Meta-Analysis Binary: Criteria

The Criteria dialog provides settings for specifying criteria for meta-analysis with binary outcomes on raw data that are provided in the active dataset for the estimation of the effect size.

Confidence Interval
The optional setting specifies the confidence level. The value must be a numeric value between 0 and 100. The default setting is 95.
Missing Data Scope
The optional settings control how the procedure handles missing data.
Exclude cases analysis by analysis
The default setting includes all cases with sufficient data on the variables used in each particular analysis.
Exclude cases listwise
Includes all cases with sufficient data on all variables used across all analyses specified by the procedure.
User Missing Values
The optional settings control how user missing values are treated.
The default setting treats user missing values as valid.
Ignores user missing value designations and treats user missing values as valid.
Maximum iterations
The optional setting specifies the maximum number of iterations in the iterative methods. The setting is available when iterative methods are used. The value must be a single positive integer. The default value is 100. A value of 0 means that no iterations are performed.
Maximum step-halvings
The optional setting specifies the maximum step-halving in the iterative methods. The setting is available when iterative methods are used. The value must be a single positive integer. The default value is 5. A value of 0 means that step-halving is not applied.
The optional setting specifies the convergence tolerance. The value must be a single positive value. The setting is available when iterative methods are used. The default value is 1E-6.
Adjust Zero Counts
The optional settings control how to adjust zero-count data, if applicable, in the effect size estimation.
Adjust each value of only those studies containing at least one zero
The default setting adjusts only zero-count data.
Adjust each value of all studies only if there exists at least one study containing a zero value
Adjusts all frequencies when at least one zero count exists in a study.
Adjust each value of all studies
Adjusts all data regardless of the existence of zero-counts.
Make no adjustments and keep zero(s)
Makes no data adjustment.
Added Value
The optional setting specifies the value added to the zero-count data. The default value is 0.5. The specified value must be a single numeric value greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1.

Defining Meta-Analysis Binary criteria

  1. From the menus choose:

    Analyze > Meta Analysis > Binary Outcomes > Raw Data...

  2. In the Meta-Analysis Binary dialog, click Criteria.
  3. Select and define the appropriate criteria settings.
  4. Click Continue.