Using the Chart Builder gallery

  1. Click the Gallery tab if it is not selected.

    The Gallery includes many different predefined charts, which are organized by chart type. The Basic Elements tab also provides basic elements (such as axes and graphic elements) for creating charts from scratch, but it's easier to use the Gallery.

  2. Click Bar if it is not selected.

    Icons representing the available bar charts in the Gallery appear in the dialog box. The pictures should provide enough information to identify the specific chart type. If you need more information, you can also display a ToolTip description of the chart by pausing your cursor over an icon.

  3. Drag the icon for the simple bar chart onto the "canvas," which is the large area above the Gallery. The Chart Builder displays a preview of the chart on the canvas. Note that the data used to draw the chart are not your actual data. They are example data.
Figure 1. Bar chart on Chart Builder canvas
Chart Builder dialog box with bar chart on canvas but no variables defined
