Multiple Correspondence Analysis
Multiple Correspondence Analysis tries to produce a solution in which objects within the same category are plotted close together and objects in different categories are plotted far apart. Each object is as close as possible to the category points of categories that apply to the object. In this way, the categories divide the objects into homogeneous subgroups. Variables are considered homogeneous when they classify objects in the same categories into the same subgroups.
For a one-dimensional solution, multiple correspondence analysis assigns optimal scale values (category quantifications) to each category of each variable in such a way that overall, on average, the categories have maximum spread. For a two-dimensional solution, multiple correspondence analysis finds a second set of quantifications of the categories of each variable unrelated to the first set, attempting again to maximize spread, and so on. Because categories of a variable receive as many scorings as there are dimensions, the variables in the analysis are assumed to be multiple nominal in optimal scaling level.
Multiple correspondence analysis also assigns scores to the objects in the analysis in such a way that the category quantifications are the averages, or centroids, of the object scores of objects in that category.
Relation to other Categories procedures. Multiple correspondence analysis is also known as homogeneity analysis or dual scaling. It gives comparable, but not identical, results to correspondence analysis when there are only two variables. Correspondence analysis produces unique output summarizing the fit and quality of representation of the solution, including stability information. Thus, correspondence analysis is usually preferable to multiple correspondence analysis in the two-variable case. Another difference between the two procedures is that the input to multiple correspondence analysis is a data matrix, where the rows are objects and the columns are variables, while the input to correspondence analysis can be the same data matrix, a general proximity matrix, or a joint contingency table, which is an aggregated matrix in which both the rows and columns represent categories of variables. Multiple correspondence analysis can also be thought of as principal components analysis of data scaled at the multiple nominal level.
Relation to standard techniques. Multiple correspondence analysis can be thought of as the analysis of a multiway contingency table. Multiway contingency tables can also be analyzed with the Crosstabs procedure, but Crosstabs gives separate summary statistics for each category of each control variable. With multiple correspondence analysis, it is often possible to summarize the relationship between all of the variables with a single two-dimensional plot. An advanced use of multiple correspondence analysis is to replace the original category values with the optimal scale values from the first dimension and perform a secondary multivariate analysis. Since multiple correspondence analysis replaces category labels with numerical scale values, many different procedures that require numerical data can be applied after the multiple correspondence analysis. For example, the Factor Analysis procedure produces a first principal component that is equivalent to the first dimension of multiple correspondence analysis. The component scores in the first dimension are equal to the object scores, and the squared component loadings are equal to the discrimination measures. The second multiple correspondence analysis dimension, however, is not equal to the second dimension of factor analysis.