Specifying How Data Were Recorded

You must specify the way in which preference data were recorded. Data can be recorded in one of three ways: sequentially, as rankings, or as preference scores. These three methods are indicated by the SEQUENCE, RANK, and SCORE subcommands. You must specify one, and only one, of these subcommands as part of a CONJOINT command.

SEQUENCE Subcommand

The SEQUENCE subcommand indicates that data were recorded sequentially so that each data point in the data file is a profile number, starting with the most preferred profile and ending with the least preferred profile. This is how data are recorded if the subject is asked to order the profiles from the most to the least preferred. The researcher records which profile number was first, which profile number was second, and so on.

  • The variable PREF1 contains the profile number for the most preferred profile out of 22 profiles in the orthogonal plan. The variable PREF22 contains the profile number for the least preferred profile in the plan.

RANK Subcommand

The RANK subcommand indicates that each data point is a ranking, starting with the ranking of profile 1, then the ranking of profile 2, and so on. This is how the data are recorded if the subject is asked to assign a rank to each profile, ranging from 1 to n, where n is the number of profiles. A lower rank implies greater preference.

  • The variable RANK1 contains the ranking of profile 1, out of a total of 22 profiles in the orthogonal plan. The variable RANK22 contains the ranking of profile 22.

SCORE Subcommand

The SCORE subcommand indicates that each data point is a preference score assigned to the profiles, starting with the score of profile 1, then the score of profile 2, and so on. This type of data might be generated, for example, by asking subjects to assign a number from 1 to 100 to show how much they liked the profile. A higher score implies greater preference.

  • The variable SCORE1 contains the score for profile 1, and SCORE22 contains the score for profile 22.