Multiple Response Define Sets

The Define Multiple Response Sets procedure groups elementary variables into multiple dichotomy and multiple category sets, for which you can obtain frequency tables and crosstabulations. You can define up to 20 multiple response sets. Each set must have a unique name. To remove a set, highlight it on the list of multiple response sets and click Remove. To change a set, highlight it on the list, modify any set definition characteristics, and click Change.

You can code your elementary variables as dichotomies or categories. To use dichotomous variables, select Dichotomies to create a multiple dichotomy set. Enter an integer value for Counted value. Each variable having at least one occurrence of the counted value becomes a category of the multiple dichotomy set. Select Categories to create a multiple category set having the same range of values as the component variables. Enter integer values for the minimum and maximum values of the range for categories of the multiple category set. The procedure totals each distinct integer value in the inclusive range across all component variables. Empty categories are not tabulated.

Each multiple response set must be assigned a unique name of up to seven characters. The procedure prefixes a dollar sign ($) to the name you assign. You cannot use the following reserved names: casenum, sysmis, jdate, date, time, length, and width. The name of the multiple response set exists only for use in multiple response procedures. You cannot refer to multiple response set names in other procedures. Optionally, you can enter a descriptive variable label for the multiple response set. The label can be up to 40 characters long.

To Define Multiple Response Sets

  1. From the menus choose:

    Analyze > Multiple Response > Define Variable Sets...

  2. Select two or more variables.
  3. If your variables are coded as dichotomies, indicate which value you want to have counted. If your variables are coded as categories, define the range of the categories.
  4. Enter a unique name for each multiple response set.
  5. Click Add to add the multiple response set to the list of defined sets.