Model Selection Loglinear Analysis Options

Display. You can choose Frequencies, Residuals, or both. In a saturated model, the observed and expected frequencies are equal, and the residuals are equal to 0.

Plot. For custom models, you can choose one or both types of plots, Residuals and Normal Probability. These will help determine how well a model fits the data.

Display for Saturated Model. For a saturated model, you can choose Parameter estimates. The parameter estimates may help determine which terms can be dropped from the model. An association table, which lists tests of partial association, is also available. This option is computationally expensive for tables with many factors.

Model Criteria. An iterative proportional-fitting algorithm is used to obtain parameter estimates. You can override one or more of the estimation criteria by specifying Maximum iterations, Convergence, or Delta (a value added to all cell frequencies for saturated models).

Specifying Options for Model Selection Loglinear Analysis

This feature requires SPSS® Statistics Standard Edition or the Advanced Statistics Option.

  1. From the menus choose:

    Analyze > Loglinear > Model Selection...

  2. In the Model Selection Loglinear Analysis dialog box, click Options.
  3. Select the options you want.