One-Sample Nonparametric Tests
One-sample nonparametric tests identify differences in single fields using one or more nonparametric tests. Nonparametric tests do not assume your data follow the normal distribution.
What is your objective? The objectives allow you to quickly specify different but commonly used test settings.
- Automatically compare observed data to hypothesized. This objective applies the Binomial test to categorical fields with only two categories, the Chi-Square test to all other categorical fields, and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test to continuous fields.
- Test sequence for randomness. This objective uses the Runs test to test the observed sequence of data values for randomness.
- Custom analysis. When you want to manually amend the test settings on the Settings tab, select this option. Note that this setting is automatically selected if you subsequently make changes to options on the Settings tab that are incompatible with the currently selected objective.
This procedure pastes NPTESTS command syntax.