The DO IF-END IF structure conditionally executes one or more transformations on subsets of cases based on one or more logical expressions. The ELSE command can be used within the structure to execute one or more transformations when the logical expression on DO IF is not true. The ELSE IF command within the structure provides further control.

DO IF [(]logical expression[)]

transformation commands

[ELSE IF [(]logical expression[)]]

transformation commands

[ELSE IF [(]logical expression[)]]

transformation commands


This command does not read the active dataset. It is stored, pending execution with the next command that reads the dataset. See the topic Command Order for more information.

The following relational operators can be used in logical expressions:

Table 1. Relational operators
Symbol Definition
EQ or = Equal to
NE or ~= or ¬ = or <> Not equal to
LT or < Less than
LE or <= Less than or equal to
GT or > Greater than
GE or >= Greater than or equal to

The following logical operators can be used in logical expressions:

Table 2. Logical operators
Symbol Definition
AND or & Both relations must be true
OR or | Either relation can be true
NOT Reverses the outcome of an expression


DO IF (YearHired GT 87).
COMPUTE            Bonus = 0.
ELSE IF (Dept87 EQ 3).
COMPUTE            Bonus = .1*Salary87.
ELSE IF (Dept87 EQ 1).
COMPUTE            Bonus = .12*Salary87.
ELSE IF (Dept87 EQ 4).
COMPUTE            Bonus = .08*Salary87.
ELSE IF (Dept87 EQ 2).
COMPUTE            Bonus = .14*Salary87.