The OUTFILE subcommand allows you to export IBM® SPSS® Statistics-format data containing imputed values or IBM SPSS Statistics-format data containing an FCS iteration history. The OUTFILE subcommand is ignored if imputation is turned off.


The IMPUTATIONS keyword specifies an optional dataset containing imputed data. The output dataset consists of the original data and one complete dataset per imputation. All variables in the input dataset are included in the output dataset. Dictionary properties (names, labels, etc.) of existing variables are copied to the new dataset. The file also contains a new variable, Imputation_, a numeric variable that indicates the imputation (0 for original data, 1..n for cases having imputed values).

The procedure automatically defines the Imputation_ variable as a split variable (see SPLIT FILE) when the output dataset is created. If SPLIT FILE is in effect when the procedure executes, the output dataset includes one set of imputations for each combination of values of split variables.


The FCSITERATIONS keyword specifies an optional dataset that contains iteration history data for FCS imputation.

The dataset contains means and standard deviations by iteration and imputation for each scale dependent varable for which values are imputed. You can plot the data to help assess model convergence.

  • The FCSITERATIONS keyword is ignored if the monotone method is used. A warning is shown and the dataset is not generated if all imputed variables are categorical.