Pareto charts

Pareto charts contain both bars and a line graph. The bars represent individual variable categories and the line graph represents the cumulative total.

Creating a simple Pareto chart

  1. In the Chart Type section, click the Pareto icon.
    Pareto chart icon

    The canvas updates to display a Pareto chart template.

  2. Select a variable as the Category variable. The selected variable categories are drawn on the chart's X-axis.


Lists variables that are available for the chart's X-axis.
YAxis align
The toggle control enables and disables the alignment of the two Y-axes on the chart.
Gradient bar
The toggle control enables and disables the display of color gradients in the chart bars.
Highlight vital few
The toggle control enables and disables the highlighting of variable categories that are considered vital.
Primary title
The chart title.
The chart subtitle.
The chart footnote.