Viewing node execution times

On the Messages tab you can choose to display Execution Times, where you can see the individual execution times for nodes in the stream that run on the IBM® SPSS® Modeler Server. Note that the times may not be accurate for streams run in other areas, such as R or Analytic Server. And the execution time of some nodes cannot be calculated.

Note: For this feature to work, the Display execution times option must be selected on the General setting of the Options tab.

In the table of node execution times, the columns are as follows. Click a column heading to sort the entries into ascending or descending order (for example, to see which nodes have the longest execution times).

Terminal Node. The identifier of the branch to which the node belongs. The identifier is the name of the terminal node at the end of the branch.

Node Label. The name of the node to which the execution time refers.

Node Id. The unique identifier of the node to which the execution time refers. This identifier is generated by the system when the node is created.

Execution Time(s). The time in seconds taken to execute this node. Note that execution time can often vary from the time you see in general messages because time is spent on preparing data and retrieving data in the output when running a stream, and this type of time cannot be calculated.