Installing IBM SPSS Modeler Server scoring adapter for Db2 LUW

Note: The Db2 LUW scoring adapter is only available on Db2 running on LINUX or AIX.
Note: The IBM® SPSS® Modeler Server Scoring Adapter may conflict with the Db2 LUW ANALYZE_TABLE embedded process for SAS because they share the same Db2 built in support.

If you have a previous version of the scoring adapter for Db2 LUW installed, first you must uninstall it as follows:

  1. Locate the executable file named Uninstall IBM SPSS Modeler Server Scoring Adapter for DB2 in the Db2 scoring adapter's installation directory. It's in a folder named Uninstall IBM SPSS Modeler Server Scoring Adapter for DB2.
  2. Run the executable file either from the console or by using the graphical user interface (GUI). Follow the instructions in the uninstaller to uninstall the scoring adapter.
  3. If you receive a message that some items could not be removed, go to the root directory where the adapter had been (the cfscoring directory, for example) and run the command rm -rf on the listed directories that were not removed. This will remove them.
  4. Proceed with the following steps to install the new version of the scoring adapter.

Before installation, you need to shut down the Db2 LUW ANALYZE_TABLE embedded process using the script provided in the IBM SPSS Modeler Server scoring adapter installation folder. To do this, use the Db2 command: stop.

After installation, the Db2 LUW ANALYZE_TABLE embedded process should started automatically using db2start. However, if you install the adapter while a Db2 instance is active, you can start the Db2 LUW ANALYZE_TABLE embedded process manually by using the command: start.

Note: The Db2 LUW ANALYZE_TABLE doesn't support the WITH table-expression clause if it contains UNION ALL. This may cause an error if you attempt to use this expression in a IBM SPSS Modeler node which generates UNION or UNION ALL SQL, such as the Append node.

Depending on the configuration of your database you can install either from the console or by using a graphical user interface (GUI); however, the first step is the same for both methods:

  • Run the install.bin install script. Ensure that install.bin can be executed by db2 user and run it as that user.

Console Installation

  1. Introduction details are displayed. Press Enter to continue.
  2. Licensing information is displayed. Read the license, type 1 to accept it and press Enter.
  3. You are prompted to type the installation location. The default installation location is shown; however, if your installation is different, type the revised location and press Enter.
  4. You are prompted to enter the database name, database user name, and database password.
  5. A pre-installation summary is displayed to confirm your entries so far. Press Enter to continue.
  6. A message is displayed to say the installation routine is ready to run. Press Enter to continue.
  7. A progress bar is displayed whilst the installation routine runs. When the installation is complete, press Enter to exit from the installer.

GUI Installation

  1. Introduction details are displayed. Click Next to continue.
  2. Licensing information is displayed. Read the license, select the option to accept it, and click Next to continue.
  3. You are prompted to select the installation location. The default installation location is shown; however, if your installation of is different, click Choose to browse for the revised location. When the correct location is shown, click Next.
  4. You are prompted to enter the database name, database user name, and database password.
  5. A pre-installation summary is displayed to confirm your entries so far. Click Install to continue.
  6. A progress bar is displayed whilst the installation routine runs. When the installation is complete, click Done to exit from the installer.

When you have completed these steps the scoring adapter is ready to receive work.

Note: If you have problems scoring large Text Mining models via the Database Scoring Adapters for Db2 LUW, you may need to modify the database table column size parameter. If you encounter errors related to failing to insert the model into the components table, use a Db2 command such as the following to increase the column size parameter as appropriate: