Copying Segments
Decision List Viewer provides you with a convenient way to copy model segments. When you want to apply a segment from one model to another model, simply copy (or cut) the segment from one model and paste it into another model. You can also copy a segment from a model displayed in the Alternative Preview panel and paste it into the model displayed in the working model pane. These cut, copy, and paste functions use a system clipboard to store or retrieve temporary data. This means that in the clipboard the conditions and target are copied. The clipboard contents are not solely reserved to be used in Decision List Viewer but can also be pasted in other applications. For example, when the clipboard contents are pasted in a text editor, the conditions and target are pasted in XML-format.
To copy or cut model segments:
- Select the model segment that you want to use in another model.
- From the Edit menu, choose Copy (or Cut), or right-click on the model segment and select Copy or Cut.
- Open the appropriate model (where the model segment will be pasted).
- Select one of the model segments, and click Paste.
Note: Instead of the Cut, Copy, and Paste commands you can also use the key combinations: Ctrl+X, Ctrl+C, and Ctrl+V.
The copied (or cut) segment is inserted above the previously selected model segment. The measures of the pasted segment and segments below are recalculated.
Note: Both models in this procedure must be based on the same underlying model template and contain the same target, otherwise an error message is displayed.