Storing Models and Model Palettes
You can store an individual model as a .gm file in the repository, from where it can be accessed by other users. You can also store the complete contents of the Models palette as a .gen file in the repository.
Storing a model:
- Click the object on the Models palette in SPSS® Modeler, and on the main menu click:
- Alternatively, right-click an object in the Models palette and click Store Model.
- Continue from "Completing the storage procedure".
Storing a Models palette:
- Right-click the background of the Models palette.
- On the pop-up menu, click Store Palette.
- Continue from "Completing the storage procedure".
Completing the storage procedure:
- Specify connection settings to the repository if necessary. See the topic Connecting to the Repository for more information. For specific port, password, and other connection details, contact your local system administrator.
- In the Repository: Store dialog box, choose the folder where you want to store the object, specify any other information you want to record, and click the Store button. See the topic Setting Object Properties for more information.