Retrieving Objects from the Repository

You can retrieve streams, models, model palettes, nodes, projects, and output objects that have been stored in the repository.

Note: Besides using the menu options as described here, you can also retrieve streams, output objects, models and model palettes by right-clicking in the appropriate tab of the managers pane at the top right of the SPSS® Modeler window.

  1. To retrieve a stream, on the IBM® SPSS Modeler main menu click:

    File > Retrieve Stream...

  2. To retrieve a model, model palette, project, or output object, on the IBM SPSS Modeler main menu click:

    File > Models > Retrieve Model...


    File > Models > Retrieve Models Palette...


    File > Projects > Retrieve Project...


    File > Outputs > Retrieve Output...

  3. Alternatively, right-click in the managers or project pane and click Retrieve on the pop-up menu.
  4. To retrieve a node, on the IBM SPSS Modeler main menu click:

    Insert > Node (or SuperNode) from Repository...

    1. Specify connection settings to the repository if necessary. See the topic Connecting to the Repository for more information. For specific port, password, and other connection details, contact your local system administrator.
  5. In the Repository: Retrieve dialog box, browse to the object, select it and click the Retrieve button. See the topic Choosing an Object to Retrieve for more information.