kdemodel properties
Kernel Density Estimation (KDE)© uses the Ball Tree or KD Tree algorithms for efficient queries, and combines concepts from unsupervised learning, feature engineering, and data modeling. Neighbor-based approaches such as KDE are some of the most popular and useful density estimation techniques. The KDE Modeling and KDE Simulation nodes in SPSS® Modeler expose the core features and commonly used parameters of the KDE library. The nodes are implemented in Python. |
kdemodel properties |
Data type | Property description |
bandwidth |
double | Default is 1 . |
kernel |
string | The kernel to use: gaussian , tophat ,
epanechnikov , exponential , linear , or
cosine . Default is gaussian . |
algorithm |
string | The tree algorithm to use: kd_tree , ball_tree , or
auto . Default is auto . |
metric |
string | The metric to use when calculating distance. For the kd_tree algorithm,
choose from: Euclidean , Chebyshev , Cityblock ,
Minkowski , Manhattan , Infinity ,
P , L2 , or L1 . For the ball_tree
algorithm, choose from: Euclidian , Braycurtis ,
Chebyshev , Canberra , Cityblock ,
Dice , Hamming , Infinity ,
Jaccard , L1 , L2 , Minkowski ,
Matching , Manhattan , P ,
Rogersanimoto , Russellrao , Sokalmichener ,
Sokalsneath , or Kulsinski . Default is
Euclidean . |
atol |
float | The desired absolute tolerance of the result. A larger tolerance will generally lead to
faster execution. Default is 0.0 . |
rtol |
float | The desired relative tolerance of the result. A larger tolerance will generally lead to
faster execution. Default is 1E-8 . |
renamed to breadth_first starting with
version |
boolean | Set to True to use a breadth-first approach. Set to False
to use a depth-first approach. Default is True . |
renamed to leaf_size starting with version |
integer | The leaf size of the underlying tree. Default is 40 . Changing this value may
significantly impact the performance. |
pValue |
double | Specify the P Value to use if you're using Minkowski for the metric. Default
is 1.5 . |
custom_name |
default_node_name |
use_HPO |