cognosexportnode Properties

The IBM Cognos Export node exports data in a format that can be read by Cognos databases.

For this node, you must define a Cognos connection and an ODBC connection.

Cognos connection

The properties for the Cognos connection are as follows.

Table 1. cognosexportnode properties
cognosexportnode properties Data type Property description
cognos_connection ["string","flag","string","string","string"] A list property containing the connection details for the Cognos server. The format is: ["Cognos_server_URL", login_mode, "namespace", "username", "password"] where: Cognos_server_URL is the URL of the Cognos server containing the source. login_mode indicates whether anonymous login is used, and is either true or false; if set to true, the following fields should be set to "". namespace specifies the security authentication provider used to log on to the server. username and password are those used to log on to the Cognos server. Instead of login_mode, the following modes are also available:
  • anonymousMode. For example: ['Cognos_server_url', 'anonymousMode', "namespace", "username", "password"]
  • credentialMode. For example: ['Cognos_server_url', 'credentialMode', "namespace", "username", "password"]
  • storedCredentialMode. For example: ['Cognos_server_url', 'storedCredentialMode', "stored_credential_name"] Where stored_credential_name is the name of a Cognos credential in the repository.
cognos_package_name string The path and name of the Cognos package to which you are exporting data, for example: /Public Folders/MyPackage
cognos_datasource string  
cognos_export_mode Publish ExportFile  
cognos_filename string  

ODBC connection

The properties for the ODBC connection are identical to those listed for databaseexportnode in the next section, with the exception that the datasource property is not valid.