Exporting Output
In the output browser window, you may choose to export the output to another format, such as text or HTML. The export formats vary depending on the type of output, but in general are similar to the file type options available if you select Save to file in the node used to generate the output.
Note: You can only select these formats if the output contains data that can be sensibly exported in
that way. For example, the contents of a decision tree could be exported as text, but the contents
of a K-means model would not make sense as text.
To Export Output
- In the output browser, open the File menu and choose
Export. Then choose the file type that you want to create:
- Tab Delimited (*.tab). This option generates a formatted text file containing the data values. This style is often useful for generating a plain-text representation of the information that can be imported into other applications. This option is available for the Table, Matrix, and Means nodes.
- Comma Delimited (*.dat). This option generates a comma-delimited text file containing the data values. This style is often useful as a quick way to generate a data file that can be imported into spreadsheets or other data analysis applications. This option is available for the Table, Matrix, and Means nodes.
- Transposed Tab Delimited (*.tab). This option is identical to the Tab Delimited option, but the data is transposed so that rows represent fields and the columns represent records.
- Transposed Comma Delimited (*.dat). This option is identical to the Comma Delimited option, but the data is transposed so that rows represent fields and the columns represent records.
- HTML (*.html). This option writes HTML-formatted output to a file or files.