Setting display options

Using the Display tab of the User Options dialog box, you can set options for the display of fonts and colors in IBM® SPSS® Modeler.

Show welcome dialog on startup. Select to cause the welcome dialog box to be displayed on startup. The welcome dialog box has options to launch the application examples tutorial, open a demonstration stream or an existing stream or project, or to create a new stream.

Show stream and SuperNode markups. If selected, causes markup (if any) on streams and SuperNodes to be displayed by default. Markup includes stream comments, model links, and highlighting of scoring branches.

Standard Fonts & Colors (effective on restart). Options in this control box are used to specify the IBM SPSS Modeler screen design, color scheme, and the size of the fonts displayed. The options that you select here do not take effect until you close and restart IBM SPSS Modeler.

  • Look and feel. Select a standard color scheme and screen design. You can choose from:
    • SPSS Standard, the default design.
    • SPSS Classic, a design familiar to users of earlier versions of SPSS Modeler.
    • Windows, a Windows design that can be useful for increased contrast in the stream canvas and palettes.
    • Analytics Carbon, a modern design with sleek icons and colors.
  • Default font size for nodes. Specify a font size to be used in the node palettes and for nodes that are displayed in the stream canvas.
  • Specify fixed width font. To select a fixed width font, and associated font Size for use in scripting and CLEM expression controls, select this check box. The default font is Monospace plain; click Change... to display a list of other fonts that you can select.
Note: You can set the size of the node icons for a stream on the Layout pane of the Options tab of the stream properties dialog box. From the main menu, choose Tools > Stream Properties > Options > Layout.

Custom Colors. This table lists the currently selected colors that are used for various display items. For each of the items that are listed in the table, you can change the current color by double-clicking the corresponding row in the Color column and selecting a color from the list. To specify a custom color, scroll to the bottom of the list and click the Color... entry.

Chart Category Color Order. This table lists the currently selected colors that are used for display in newly created graphs. The order of the colors reflects the order in which they are used in the chart. For example, if a nominal field used as a color overlay contains four unique values, then only the first four colors that are listed here are used. For each of the items that are listed in the table, you can change the current color by double-clicking the corresponding row in the Color column and selecting a color from the list. To specify a custom color, scroll to the bottom of the list and click the Color... entry. Changes that you make here do not affect previously created graphs.

To revert to the system default settings for this tab, click Default Values.