General options

Maximum Number of Threads

The number of threads that multithreaded procedures use when calculating results. The Automatic setting is based on the number of available processing cores. Specify a lower value if you want to make more processing resources available to other applications while multithreaded procedures are running. This option is disabled in distributed analysis mode.


Display a leading zero for decimal values. Displays leading zeros for numeric values that consist only of a decimal part. For example, when leading zeros are displayed, the value .123 is displayed as 0.123. This setting does not apply to numeric values that have a currency or percent format. Except for fixed ASCII files (*.dat), leading zeros are not included when the data are saved to an external file.

Measurement System. The measurement system used (points, inches, or centimeters) for specifying attributes such as pivot table cell margins, cell widths, and space between tables for printing.