Cox Node Advanced Output Options
Statistics. You can obtain statistics for your model parameters, including confidence intervals for exp(B) and correlation of estimates. You can request these statistics either at each step or at the last step only.
Display baseline function. Allows you to display the baseline hazard function and cumulative survival at the mean of the covariates.
Plots can help you to evaluate your estimated model and interpret the results. You can plot the survival, hazard, log-minus-log, and one-minus-survival functions.
- Survival. Displays the cumulative survival function on a linear scale.
- Hazard. Displays the cumulative hazard function on a linear scale.
- Log minus log. Displays the cumulative survival estimate after the ln(-ln) transformation is applied to the estimate.
- One minus survival. Plots one-minus the survival function on a linear scale.
Plot a separate line for each value. This option is available only for categorical fields.
Value to use for plots. Because these functions depend on values of the predictors, you must use constant values for the predictors to plot the functions versus time. The default is to use the mean of each predictor as a constant value, but you can enter your own values for the plot using the grid. For categorical inputs, indicator coding is used, so there is a regression coefficient for each category (except the last). Thus, a categorical input has a mean value for each indicator contrast, equal to the proportion of cases in the category corresponding to the indicator contrast.