KNN Model Settings
The Settings tab enables you to specify extra fields to be displayed when viewing the results (for example by executing a Table node attached to the nugget). You can see the effect of each of these options by selecting them and clicking the Preview button--scroll to the right of the Preview output to see the extra fields.
Append all probabilities (valid only for categorical targets). If this option is checked, probabilities for each possible value of a nominal or flag target field are displayed for each record processed by the node. If this option is unchecked, only the predicted value and its probability are displayed for nominal or flag target fields.
The default setting of this check box is determined by the corresponding check box on the modeling node.
Calculate raw propensity scores. For models with a flag target (which return a yes or no prediction), you can request propensity scores that indicate the likelihood of the true outcome specified for the target field. These are in addition to other prediction and confidence values that may be generated during scoring.
Calculate adjusted propensity scores. Raw propensity scores are based only on the training data and may be overly optimistic due to the tendency of many models to overfit this data. Adjusted propensities attempt to compensate by evaluating model performance against a test or validation partition. This option requires that a partition field be defined in the stream and adjusted propensity scores be enabled in the modeling node before generating the model.
Display nearest. If you set this value to n, where n is a non-zero positive integer, the n nearest neighbors to the focal record are included in the model, together with their relative distances from the focal record.