TWC source node
The TWC source node imports weather data from The Weather Company, an IBM Business. You can use it to obtain historical or forecast weather data for a location. This can help you develop weather-driven business solutions for better decision-making using the most accurate and precise weather data available.
With this node, you can input weather-related data such as latitude
, time
, day_ind
(indicates night or
day), temp
, dewpt
(dew point), rh
humidity), feels_like
temperature, heat_index
, wc
(wind chill), wx_phrase
(mostly cloudy, partly cloudy, etc),
, clds
(clouds), vis
(wind speed), gust
, wdir
(wind direction),
(NW, NNW, N, etc), uv_index
(ultraviolet index), and
(low, high, etc).
- TWC Historical Observations Airport ( for historical weather data
- TWC Hourly Forecast ( for forecast weather data
Latitude. Enter the latitude value of the location you wish to obtain weather data for, in the format [-90.0~90.0].
Longitude. Enter the longitude value of the location you wish to obtain weather data for, in the format [-180.0~180.0].
License Key. A license key is required. Enter the license key you obtained from The Weather Company. If you don't have a key, contact your administrator or your IBM representative.
Instead of issuing the key to all users, your administrator may have instead specified the key in
a new config.cfg file on the IBM® SPSS® Modeler Server, in which case you can leave
this field blank. If specified in both locations, the key in this dialog takes precedence. Note to
administrators: To add the license key on the server, create a new file called
config.cfg with the contents LicenseKey=<LICENCEKEY>
is the license key) at the location
Units. Select the measurement unit to use: English, Metric, or Hybrid. The default is Metric.
Time Format
UTC. Select UTC time format if you're importing historical weather data and you don't want SPSS Modeler to access the TWC Hourly Forecast API. Your license key only needs privileges to access the TWC Historical Observations Airport API if you select this option.
Local. Select local time format if you need SPSS Modeler to access the TWC Hourly Forecast API to convert the time from UTC time to local time. Your license key needs privileges to access both TWC APIs if you select this option.
Data Type
Historical. If you want to import historical weather data, select Historical and then specify a start and end date in the format YYYYMMDD (for example, 20120101 for January 1, 2012).
Forecast. If you want to import forecast weather data, select Forecast and then specify the hours to forecast.