Overview of Output Nodes

Output nodes provide the means to obtain information about your data and models. They also provide a mechanism for exporting data in various formats to interface with your other software tools.

The following output nodes are available:

The Table node displays the data in table format, which can also be written to a file. This is useful anytime that you need to inspect your data values or export them in an easily readable form.
The Matrix node creates a table that shows relationships between fields. It is most commonly used to show the relationship between two symbolic fields, but it can also show relationships between flag fields or numeric fields.
The Analysis node evaluates predictive models' ability to generate accurate predictions. Analysis nodes perform various comparisons between predicted values and actual values for one or more model nuggets. They can also compare predictive models to each other.
The Data Audit node provides a comprehensive first look at the data, including summary statistics, histograms and distribution for each field, as well as information on outliers, missing values, and extremes. Results are displayed in an easy-to-read matrix that can be sorted and used to generate full-size graphs and data preparation nodes.
The Transform node allows you to select and visually preview the results of transformations before applying them to selected fields.
The Statistics node provides basic summary information about numeric fields. It calculates summary statistics for individual fields and correlations between fields.
The Means node compares the means between independent groups or between pairs of related fields to test whether a significant difference exists. For example, you could compare mean revenues before and after running a promotion or compare revenues from customers who did not receive the promotion with those who did.
The Report node creates formatted reports containing fixed text as well as data and other expressions derived from the data. You specify the format of the report using text templates to define the fixed text and data output constructions. You can provide custom text formatting by using HTML tags in the template and by setting options on the Output tab. You can include data values and other conditional output by using CLEM expressions in the template.
The Set Globals node scans the data and computes summary values that can be used in CLEM expressions. For example, you can use this node to compute statistics for a field called age and then use the overall mean of age in CLEM expressions by inserting the function @GLOBAL_MEAN(age).
The Simulation Fitting node examines the statistical distribution of the data in each field and generates (or updates) a Simulation Generate node, with the best fitting distribution assigned to each field. The Simulation Generate node can then be used to generate simulated data.
The Simulation Evaluation node evaluates a specified predicted target field, and presents distribution and correlation information about the target field.