Sequence Node Fields Options

Before executing a Sequence node, you must specify ID and content fields on the Fields tab of the Sequence node. If you want to use a time field, you also need to specify that here.

ID field. Select an ID field from the list. Numeric or symbolic fields can be used as the ID field. Each unique value of this field should indicate a specific unit of analysis. For example, in a market basket application, each ID might represent a single customer. For a Web log analysis application, each ID might represent a computer (by IP address) or a user (by login data).

  • IDs are contiguous. If your data are presorted so that all records with the same ID are grouped together in the data stream, select this option to speed up processing. If your data are not presorted (or you are not sure), leave this option unselected, and the Sequence node will sort the data automatically.

Note: If your data are not sorted and you select this option, you may get invalid results in your Sequence model.

Time field. If you want to use a field in the data to indicate event times, select Use time field and specify the field to be used. The time field must be numeric, date, time, or timestamp. If no time field is specified, records are assumed to arrive from the data source in sequential order, and record numbers are used as time values (the first record occurs at time "1"; the second, at time "2"; and so on).

Content fields. Specify the content field(s) for the model. These fields contain the events of interest in sequence modeling.

The Sequence node can handle data in either tabular or transactional format. If you use multiple fields with transactional data, the items specified in these fields for a particular record are assumed to represent items found in a single transaction with a single timestamp. See the topic Tabular versus Transactional Data for more information.

Partition. This field allows you to specify a field used to partition the data into separate samples for the training, testing, and validation stages of model building. By using one sample to generate the model and a different sample to test it, you can get a good indication of how well the model will generalize to larger datasets that are similar to the current data. If multiple partition fields have been defined by using Type or Partition nodes, a single partition field must be selected on the Fields tab in each modeling node that uses partitioning. (If only one partition is present, it is automatically used whenever partitioning is enabled.) Also note that to apply the selected partition in your analysis, partitioning must also be enabled in the Model Options tab for the node. (Deselecting this option makes it possible to disable partitioning without changing field settings.)