Cox Node Fields Options
Survival time. Choose a numeric field (one with a measurement level of Continuous) in order to make the node executable. Survival time indicates the lifespan of the record being predicted. For example, when modeling customer time to churn, this would be the field that records how long the customer has been with the organization. The date on which the customer joined or churned would not affect the model; only the duration of the customer’s tenure would be relevant.
Survival time is taken to be a duration with no units. You must make sure that the input fields match the survival time. For example, in a study to measure churn by months, you would use sales per month as an input instead of sales per year. If your data has start and end dates instead of a duration, you must recode those dates to a duration upstream from the Cox node.
The remaining fields in this dialog box are the standard ones used throughout IBM® SPSS® Modeler. See the topic Modeling Node Fields Options for more information.