Logistic Model Nugget
A Logistic model nugget represents the equation estimated by a Logistic node. It contains all of the information captured by the logistic regression model, as well as information about the model structure and performance. This type of equation may also be generated by other models such as Oracle SVM.
When you run a stream containing a Logistic model nugget, the node adds two new fields containing the model's prediction and the associated probability. The names of the new fields are derived from the name of the output field being predicted, prefixed with $L- for the predicted category and $LP- for the associated probability. For example, for an output field named colorpref, the new fields would be named $L-colorpref and $LP-colorpref. In addition, if you have selected the Append all probabilities option in the Logistic node, an additional field will be added for each category of the output field, containing the probability belonging to the corresponding category for each record. These additional fields are named based on the values of the output field, prefixed by $LP-. For example, if the legal values of colorpref are Red, Green, and Blue, three new fields will be added: $LP-Red, $LP-Green, and $LP-Blue.
Generating a Filter node. The Generate menu enables you to create a new Filter node to pass input fields based on the results of the model. Fields that are dropped from the model due to multicollinearity will be filtered by the generated node, as well as fields not used in the model.