Netezza Model Nugget Properties

The following properties are common to Netezza database model nuggets.

Table 1. Common Netezza model nugget properties
Common Netezza Model Nugget Properties Values Property Description
connection string The connection string for the Netezza database where the model is stored.
table_name string Name of database table where model is stored.

Other model nugget properties are the same as those for the corresponding modeling node.

The script names of the model nuggets are as follows.

Table 2. Script names of Netezza model nuggets
Model Nugget Script Name
Decision Tree applynetezzadectreenode
K-Means applynetezzakmeansnode
Bayes Net applynetezzabayesnode
Naive Bayes applynetezzanaivebayesnode
KNN applynetezzaknnnode
Divisive Clustering applynetezzadivclusternode
PCA applynetezzapcanode
Regression Tree applynetezzaregtreenode
Linear Regression applynetezzalineregressionnode
Time Series applynetezzatimeseriesnode
Generalized Linear applynetezzaglmnode