Silent installation

Silent mode enables the installation without any user interaction. Installation parameters are specified as a properties file.

To complete a silent installation on Linux or UNIX systems:

  1. In the same location where you copied the installer files, create an file.
  2. In a text editor, set the values. The following text shows an example of an file:
    # Thu Jan 29 11:35:37 GMT 2015
    # Replay feature output
    # ---------------------
    # This file was built by the Replay feature of InstallAnywhere.
    # It contains variables that were set by Panels, Consoles or Custom Code.
    #Indicate whether the license agreement been accepted
    #Server Mode
    #Choose Install Folder
  3. The value for SERVERMODE_SELECT_OPTION depends on the type of installation you have. You can choose from the following values:
    • 0 - Non-Production Mode. If you purchased a separate non-production installation, enter this option. This installation cannot be employed for production use.
    • 1 - Production Mode. A production installation is a standard installation of SPSS® Modeler Server. It is appropriate for production use.
  4. Ensure that the value for USER_INSTALL_DIR matches your installation directory location. The directory path cannot contain spaces.
  5. Save the file.
  6. Run the installer by using the following command:
    ./<installer_name> -i silent -f
    Where <installer_name> is the installer .bin file.