Using the Output Tab
For all graph types, you can specify the following options for the filename and display of generated graphs.
Output name. Specifies the name of the graph produced when the node is run. Auto chooses a name based on the node that generates the output. Optionally, you can select Custom to specify a different name.
Output to screen. Select to generate and display the graph in a new window.
Output to file. Select to save the output as a file.
- Output Graph. Select to produce output in a graph format. Available only in Distribution nodes.
- Output Table. Select to produce output in a table format. Available only in Distribution nodes.
- Filename. Specify a filename used for the generated graph or table. Use the ellipsis button (...) to specify a specific file and location.
- File type. Specify the file type in the drop-down
list. For all graph nodes, except the Distribution node with an Output Table
option, the available graph file types are as follows.
- Bitmap (.bmp)
- PNG (.png)
- Output object (.cou)
- JPEG (.jpg)
- HTML (.html)
- ViZml document (.xml) for use in other IBM® SPSS® Statistics applications.
For the Output Table option in the Distribution node, the available file types are as follows.
- Tab delimited data (.tab)
- Comma delimited data (.csv)
- HTML (.html)
- Output object (.cou)
Paginate output. When saving output as HTML, this option is enabled to enable you to control the size of each HTML page. (Applies only to the Distribution node.)
Lines per page. When Paginate output is selected, this option is enabled to enable you to determine the length of each HTML page. The default setting is 400 rows. (Applies only to the Distribution node.)