Viewing or selecting values

Field values can be viewed from a number of places in the system, including the Expression Builder, data audit reports, and when editing future values in a Time Intervals node. Note that data must be fully instantiated in a source or Type node to use this feature, so that storage, types, and values are known.

To view values for a field from the Expression Builder or a Time Intervals node, select the required field and click the value picker button to open a dialog box listing values for the selected field. You can then select a value and click Insert to paste the value into the current expression or list.

Figure 1. Value picker button
Value picker button

To view values for a field from a Data Audit report, click on the Type cell or the Unique cell for the required field.

For flag and nominal fields, all defined values are listed. For continuous (numeric range) fields, the minimum and maximum values are displayed.