Model Output

Model Building Summary

Model specifications
Summary of model specifications, number of clusters in the final model, and inputs (fields) included in the final model.
Record summary
Number and percentage of records (cases) included and excluded from the model.
Excluded inputs
For any fields not included in the final model, the reason the field was excluded.


Model quality
Table of goodness and importance for each cluster and overall model goodness of fit.
Feature importance bar chart
Bar chart of feature (field) importance across all clusters. Features (fields) with longer bars in the chart are more important than fields with shorter bars. They are also sorted in descending order of importance (the bar at the top is the most important).
Feature importance word cloud
Word cloud of feature (field) importance across all clusters. Features (fields) with larger text are more important than those with smaller text.
Outlier clusters
These options are disabled if you chose not to include outliers.
Interactive table and chart
Table and chart of outlier strength and the relative similarity of outlier clusters to regular clusters. Selecting different rows in the table displays information for different outlier clusters in the chart.
Pivot table
Table of outlier strength and the relative similarity of outlier clusters to regular clusters. This table contains the same information as the interactive display. This table supports all standard features for pivoting and editing tables.
Maximum number
The maximum number of outliers to display in the output. If there are more than twenty outlier clusters, a pivot table will be displayed instead.


Across cluster feature importance profiles
Interactive table and chart.
Table and charts of feature importance and cluster centers for each input (field) used in the cluster solution. Selecting different rows in the table displays a different chart. For categorical fields, a bar chart is displayed. For continuous fields, a chart of means and standard deviations is displayed.
Pivot table.
Table of feature importance and cluster centers for each input (field). This table contains the same information as the interactive display. This table supports all standard features for pivoting and editing tables.
Within cluster feature importance
For each cluster, the cluster center and feature importance for each input (field). There is a separate table for each cluster.
Cluster distances
A panel chart that displays the distances between clusters. There is a separate panel for each cluster.

Cluster label

The label for each cluster is the value that is specified for Prefix, followed by a sequential number.
The label for each cluster is a sequential number.