Installing and configuring Container Backup Support

To protect persistent volumes of containers and cluster-scoped and namespace-scoped resources, you must install and configure IBM Spectrum® Protect Plus Container Backup Support in a Kubernetes or Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform environment.

You can install Container Backup Support by using an operator in an online environment. On Red Hat OpenShift clusters, you can install the Container Backup Support operator and instance by using the Red Hat OpenShift web console or command line. On Kubernetes clusters, you can install the Container Backup Support operator and instance by running the command line.

You can also install Container Backup Support by using an operator in an air-gapped environment.

Table 1. Methods for installing Container Backup Support
Installation method Steps
By installing the product in an online environment You can install the product by pulling container images from an online registry such as the IBM® Entitled Registry. Internet access is required to pull containers at deployment time.
By installing the product in an air-gapped environment You can install the product by using a CASE package. Internet access is required to mirror images but internet access is not required at deployment time.
  • Updates are supported from or later. If you have Container Backup Support version or earlier installed, you must uninstall that version of Container Backup Support before installing the new version.
  • A rollback to a previous version is not supported. In other words, you cannot use previous versions to restore data that was backed up by Container Backup Support 10.1.12.
  • Due to underlying changes in the BaasReq object, you cannot use Container Backup Support 10.1.12 to restore data that was backed up by version 10.1.5.