ANRG0212E The Operations Center was unable to establish a WebSocket connection with the browser. Ensure that your browser supports the WebSocket protocol, and that the Operations Center can start a service in your browser. Ensure that the TLS certificate is not expired.


The Operations Center EventService failed to start in the web browser. This service requires the WebSocket protocol to communicate, and communication is secured by a TLS certificate that is installed in the browser. Something is preventing the Operations Center web server from establishing the WebSocket connection and running services in the browser.


To resolve this error, take the following actions:
  • Verify that your web browser supports the WebSocket protocol. The Operations Center web browser requirements are documented in the IBM Knowledge Center.
  • Ensure that the Operations Center web server is not being blocked from starting a service in your browser. Firewall or antivirus software that is installed on your workstation might be preventing the Operations Center web server from starting a service in your browser.
  • Ensure that the TLS certificate that is installed in your browser for secure communication with the Operations Center web server is not expired. By default, the Operations Center uses a self-signed certificate, and might be finding an older cached version of the certificate. Clear your browser cache and try again. If you are using a certificate that is signed by a third-party certificate authority, you might need to renew the certificate with the certificate authority.
  • To use some browsers, for example, Apple Safari on iPad, you might need to install a certificate file or permanently trust the certificate through the browser. For more information, see the Operations Center V7.1.3 Known Issues document: