Configuring a domain definition

Complete the following steps to create a domain definition.

Before you begin

You must open the Core::Core::DomainDefinitions package so that the existing Social Program Management domain definitions are available.


  1. In the Rational® Software Architect Designer Eclipse workspace, right-click on the workflow package and click Add Class > Domain Definition.
  2. From the Domain Definitions window, enter the following criteria for the name and type of the domain definition. When you are searching for an existing type from the In addition to Project Scope window, click the Entire Workspace option:
    Name Description
    Domain definition name The name of the domain definition, which is used as the identifier for the underlying data type that the domain definition is associated with.
    Type Social Program Management provides a number of data types that provides a layer of abstraction between the developer and the underlying database, and Java types. These data types can be used to define attributes, arguments, and return values, which are mapped by the SDEJ to the associated underlying data type.
  3. Click OK > Finish.