Factor classifications

Classifications are the potential results that can be achieved for a factor. For example, a need category might include classifications such as Vulnerable, Engaged, Progressing, and Self-Sufficient. Factors are assigned to a category and thus adopt the category classification.

Once the classifications described in Classifications are configured, they are automatically associated with a factor when a factor category is specified. Administrators can configure additional information for each classification at the factor level. Factor classifications represent measurement indicators for an individual factor. A classification is a portion of the scale that measures the actual progress of a client, for example, 'Need', 'Neutral', 'Strength'. A subdivision defines a portion of the range that is entered on the classification, which enables a finer level of measurement.

A maximum and minimum range can be set for factor classifications. It is the range that a factor score must fall between in order to achieve that classification. Administrators can also choose to hide factors that achieve a particular classification from assessment results.

Activities can also be configured for a factor classification and classification subdivision. It allows activities to be recommended to a caseworker when a client achieves a particular score/classification when assessed.

The following can also be recorded for factor classifications:

  • Definitions
  • Subdivisions
  • Guidance Text