
Use the svcconfig command help option to obtain summary information about the syntax of the svcconfig command and actions. You can enter this command any time after a system is created.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram svcconfig backup -q-quiet-voffon
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram svcconfig clear -all-q-quiet-vonoff
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram svcconfig restore -f-force-q-quiet-prepare-fmt-fmtdisk-execute-fmt-fmtdisk-voffon
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram svcconfig -ver


(Optional) Saves the current system configuration in the /tmp directory.
(Optional) Suppresses standard output (STDOUT) messages from the console.
(Optional) Erases the files in the /tmp directory.
(Optional) Erases all configuration files.
-f | force
(Optional) Forces continued processing where possible.
-q | quiet
(Optional) Suppresses console output (STDOUT).
(Optional) Checks the current configuration against the backup configuration in the /tmp directory.
-prepare -fmt | fmtdisk
(Optional) Verifies the current configuration against the information in svc.config.backup.xml; then prepares commands for processing in, and then produces a log of events in svc.config.restore.prepare.
(Optional) Runs the command script, and produces a log of events in svc.config.restore.execute.log.
(Optional) Specifies that the volume should be formatted before use. Includes the -fmtdisk option on all mkvdisk commands to be issued. You cannot specify -fmt with -execute.
(Optional) Specifies that the volume should be formatted before use. You cannot specify -fmtdisk with -execute.
-v on | off
Produces verbose output (on); the default is regular output (off).
(Required) Returns the version number for the svcconfig command.


This command provides syntax help for svcconfig.

An invocation example

svcconfig -ver
svcconfig -?
svcconfig backup