Upgrading IBM Spectrum Symphony silently on Windows using .msi packages

Upgrade IBM® Spectrum Symphony to the latest version by performing a silent installation of the .msi packages, using only the command line. The .msi method is only supported if the cluster uses advanced WEM. Typically, you upgrade IBM Spectrum Symphony on the primary host using the interactive method, and then upgrade on management and compute hosts using either the interactive or silent method. (If you do want to upgrade on the primary host using the silent method, contact IBM support for assistance.) This topic describes how to upgrade silently using .msi packages on management and compute hosts.

Before you begin

About this task

After you upgrade IBM Spectrum Symphony on the primary host using the interactive method (see Installing on a Windows primary host), follow the steps in this topic upgrade silently on management or compute hosts.

This procedure is for .msi packages only. You should use .exe format packages instead of .msi packages. To obtain .msi format files, you must extract them from the .exe package. For reference about the .msi files, refer to Files within the installation packages.


  1. Log on to your host using the same installation user operating system account that you used to install your previous version of IBM Spectrum Symphony.
  2. Extract the .msi packages from the .exe package by running:
    sym-version.exe --extract directory_to_extract_to

    where directory_to_extract_to specifies the absolute path and name of an existing directory to which the packages are extracted.

    Note: If you are using the evaluation version of the product, run:
    symeval-version.exe --extract directory_to_extract_to
  3. Upgrade the EGO packages by opening a command prompt with administrator privileges, going to the directory where you extracted the .msi packages, and running the following commands for each package:
    1. Upgrade the EGO core package by running:
      msiexec /i egocore-version.msi /l*v install.log /qn MASTERHOST=host_name
      INSTALLDIR=installation_directory CLUSTERNAME=cluster_name 
      CLUSTERADMIN=administrator_account BASEPORT=port
      The MASTERHOST parameter is mandatory; all other parameters are optional or conditional. If you do not specify an optional parameter, the installer will use the default values as follows:
      Table 1. Installation parameters for the EGO core package
      Parameter name Description
      MASTERHOST Set the name of the primary host.
      INSTALLDIR Optional. Set the path to the installation directory. For a rolling upgrade, set this to the directory where you have your previous version of IBM Spectrum Symphony installed. The default is C:\Program Files\IBM\SpectrumComputing. Change this directory if your previous installation was not to the default directory.
      CLUSTERNAME Optional. Define the name of the cluster. The default is cluster1.
      Your cluster name is permanent; you cannot change it after installation. Do not use the name of any host or user as the name of your cluster. Consider the following rules when naming your cluster:
      • The cluster name can contain up to 39 alphanumeric characters.
      • The cluster name can contain the underscore character (_), the hyphen character (-), and the period (.). No other special characters are supported.
      • The cluster name cannot contain spaces.
      CLUSTERADMIN Optional. Specify the cluster administrator OS user account name in the format domain\user_name.

      If you are using a local user, specify .\user_name and ensure that the user password is the same on all hosts.

      The default is your installation account.

      CLUSTERID Not required for new installations; required only if you are running the installation to upgrade IBM Spectrum Symphony: Set the ID of the cluster.
      BASEPORT Optional. Set the connection base port for the cluster. The default is 7869.
    2. Upgrade the IBM Java runtime environment package by running:
      msiexec /i egojre-version.msi /l*v install.log /qn MASTERHOST=host_name
      The INSTALLDIR parameter is optional. Set the path to the installation directory. The default is C:\Program Files\IBM\SpectrumComputing.
    3. Only on management hosts: Upgrade the EGO RESTful API server package by running:
      msiexec /i egorest-version.msi /l*v install.log /qn MASTERHOST=host_name
      INSTALLDIR=installation_directory DISABLESSL= Yes | No
      Installation parameters are optional or conditional. If you do not specify an optional parameter, the installer will use the default values described in these parameter descriptions:
      Table 2. Installation parameters for the EGO RESTful API server package
      Parameter name Description
      INSTALLDIR Optional. Set the path to the installation directory. The default is C:\Program Files\IBM\SpectrumComputing.
      DISABLESSL Optional. For management hosts, specify Yes to disable security, which is enabled by default during installation to secure web server communication.
      The web servers are accessible on the following default ports:
      • The cluster management console web server: With security disabled, the default port is 8080. Otherwise, the default port is 8443.
      • The REST web server: With security disabled, the default port is 8180. Otherwise, the default port is 8543.
      Note: Check for port conflicts to ensure that the specified ports are free.
    4. Only on management hosts: Upgrade the EGO management package by running:
      msiexec /i egomgmt-version.msi /l*v install.log /qn MASTERHOST=host_name
      INSTALLDIR=installation_directory DBHOST=db_host_name DISABLESSL=Yes | No
      Installation parameters are optional or conditional. If you do not specify an optional parameter, the installer will use the default values as follows:
      Table 3. Installation parameters for the EGO management package
      Parameter name Description
      INSTALLDIR Optional. Set the path to the installation directory. The default is C:\Program Files\IBM\SpectrumComputing.
      DBHOST Optional. Specify the name of the host where Derby (the nonproduction database) will run. Do not specify an external database instead of Derby.
      DISABLESSL Optional. For management hosts, specify Yes to disable security, which is enabled by default during installation to secure web server communication.
      The web servers are accessible on the following default ports:
      • The cluster management console web server: With security disabled, the default port is 8080. Otherwise, the default port is 8443.
      • The REST web server: With security disabled, the default port is 8180. Otherwise, the default port is 8543.
  4. Upgrade the IBM Spectrum Symphony packages by opening a command prompt with administrator privileges, going to the directory where you extracted the .msi packages, and running the following commands for each package:
    1. Upgrade the IBM Spectrum Symphony core package by running:
      msiexec /i soamcore-version.msi /l*v install.log /qn INSTALLDIR=installation_directory
      The INSTALLDIR parameter is optional. Set the path to the installation directory. If you do not specify this optional parameter, the installer will use the default value of C:\Program Files\IBM\SpectrumComputing. Use the same path you specified when you installed the EGO core package.
    2. Only on management hosts: Install the IBM Spectrum Symphony management package by running:
      msiexec /i soammgmt-version.msi /l*v install.log /qn INSTALLDIR=installation_directory
      The INSTALLDIR parameter is optional. If you do not specify this optional parameter, the installer will use the default value of C:\Program Files\IBM\SpectrumComputing. Set the path to the installation directory. Use the same path you specified when you installed the EGO management package.
  5. Open a command prompt on the upgraded version, and run the egosh -V command to confirm the upgrade on your hosts. The output should list the EGO version as 4.0.0.
    egosh -V
    EGO 4.0.0 build xxxxxx, MMM DD YYYY
    binary type: win-x64

What to do next

After upgrading IBM Spectrum Symphony to the latest version by performing a silent installation of the .msi packages, complete the remaining steps in Performing a rolling upgrade on Windows to access the cluster management console, to verify that you have installed the applicable IBM Spectrum Symphony packages, and to complete any post-upgrade tasks.