Uninstalling the IBM Spectrum Symphony client

If required, you can uninstall the IBM® Spectrum Symphony client. The steps are different, depending on which installation package you installed.


  1. If you installed using .tar.gz package, delete the IBM Spectrum Symphony client installation directory and all sub-directories:
    rm -rf $SOAM_HOME
  2. If you installed using .bin package:
    1. Find the IBM Spectrum Symphony client:
      rpm -qa | grep symclnt
    2. Uninstall using RPM commands for the .rpm file. For example:
      rpm -e symphony_client_package
      Note: If you used --dbpath during installation, to uninstall specify --dbpath. Also, if you use RPM Version 4.1.1, and have installed other software packages using the default database path, to uninstall specify --nodeps.
    3. Manually remove any directories remaining in the $SOAM_HOME directory.

      For example, manually delete /opt/ibm/spectrumcomputing/client732, the default IBM Spectrum Symphony client installation directory.

  3. If you installed using .msi package:
    1. From the Windows Control Panel, select IBM Spectrum Symphony Client and uninstall the program.
    2. Manually delete any directories remaining in the installed Windows path.