If required, you can uninstall the IBM® Spectrum Symphony client. The steps are
different, depending on which installation package you installed.
- If you installed using .tar.gz package, delete the IBM Spectrum Symphony client installation
directory and all sub-directories:
If you installed using .bin package:
Find the IBM Spectrum Symphony
Uninstall using RPM commands for the .rpm file. For example:
rpm -e symphony_client_package
Note: If you used --dbpath during installation, to uninstall specify
--dbpath. Also, if you use RPM Version 4.1.1, and have installed other software
packages using the default database path, to uninstall specify --nodeps.
Manually remove any directories remaining in the $SOAM_HOME
For example, manually delete /opt/ibm/spectrumcomputing/client732, the default IBM Spectrum Symphony client installation
If you installed using .msi package:
From the Windows Control Panel, select IBM Spectrum Symphony Client and uninstall the
Manually delete any directories remaining in the installed Windows path.