Create a session from a RESTful API client
POST method to create a session from a RESTful API client.
Method | URL | Description |
POST | https://host_name:port/platform/rest/symrest/v1/clientapi/session | Creates a connection from a RESTful API client to an application and interacts with a session created on this connection. |
POST https://host_name:port/platform/rest/symrest/v1/clientapi/session?parameters
Parameter | Type | Required/Optional | Description |
clusterId | string | Optional | ID of the cluster. When your installation includes multiple clusters, if you do not specify a cluster but defined multiple clusters in the clusters parameter in symrest.json, any cluster is used for the specified application. |
applicationName | string | Required | Name of the application. |
csrftoken | string | Optional | CSRF token that is obtained with successful login. |
This command takes a JSON request string or file that must contain information similar to the following example:
"sessionName": "My Session",
"sessionType": "type",
"sessionTag": "tag",
"sessionPriority": 10,
"serviceName": "My Service",
"commonData": [
["SOAM_UINT32", "4"],
["SOAM_INT64", "1"],
["SOAM_UINT64", "8192"],
["SOAM_BYTES", "Base64 encoded string"]
"enableDataCompression": true,
"parent": {
"sessionID" : "sessionID",
"taskID" : "taskID"
"dataCompressionThreshold": 32,
"dataCompressionFlags": "BestSpeed",
"preemptive": false,
"serviceToSlotRatio": {
"numServices" : 1,
"numSlots" : 2,
"resourceGroupFilter": "filter",
"preemptionRank": 10,
"defaultResourceAttributeValue": 100.123,
"resourcePreference": {
"expression": "my expression",
"resourceAttributeDefinition": [
{"name" : "my name",
"alias" : "my alias",
"defaultValue" : 20.0}
"resourceAttributeDefinition": [
{"name" : "my name",
"alias" : "my alias",
"defaultValue" : 20.0}
"dockerMountDefinition": [
{"hostDir" : "/tmp",
"containerDir" : "/tmp",
"readonly" : false},
{"hostDir" : "/root",
"containerDir" : "/root",
"readonly" : true}
"sessionMetaData": "meta-data",
"attributes": {
"sessionRetryLimit": "1",
"taskRetryLimit": "2",
"taskCleanupPeriod": "30"
"policyTagPath": "tag-path",
"taskDispatchOrder": "TaskDispatchOrderDefault",
"enableCloseSessionOnPhysicalSessionLost": true,
"datasetDependencies": ["dependency1","dependency2"],
"sessionTimeout": 10,
"taskTimeout": 10,
"minServices": 10,
"maxServices": 10,
"resourceLimit": {
"cpuLimit": 50,
"physicalMemoryLimit": 1240,
"virtualMemoryLimit": 6503,
"JvmMinHeap": 500,
"JvmMaxHeap": 300
"slotDefinitionName": "definition name",
"resourceReservationTimeout": 10,
"enableAbortSessionIfTaskRequeue": false,
"sessionTTLInMinutes": 60
For more information on client session creation options, see Workload API reference.
This command returns a JSON string that includes a session ID; for example:
"sessionId": 1200,
"applicationName": "symping7.3.2",
"clusterId": ""
Status code | Description |
200 | Success |
400 | Bad request |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |