Upgrading the IBM Spectrum Symphony reporting database

The Derby demo database is not supported for production clusters. If you set up IBM® Spectrum Symphony to produce regular reports for a production cluster, complete this task to use your commercial database with your upgraded version of IBM Spectrum Symphony. The database schema in the latest version of version of IBM Spectrum Symphony remains the same as in your previous version; however, before you perform a rolling upgrade, set up your JDBC drivers to work with the latest version of IBM Spectrum Symphony.

Before you begin

You require the JDBC driver files that you previously downloaded for your existing version of IBM Spectrum Symphony (as described in Setting up an external database for production).


Copy the JDBC drivers to the reporting and GUI library directories on all management hosts that are expected to run reporting and cluster management console services.
You must copy the JDBC driver to the following directories:
  • Linux®:
    • $EGO_TOP/perf/version_number/lib
    • $EGO_TOP/gui/version_number/lib
  • Windows:
    • Installation_top\perf\version_number\lib
    • Installation_top\gui\version_number\lib