Before you perform a rolling upgrade

Before you perform a rolling upgrade to IBM® Spectrum Symphony 7.3.2, take note of certain considerations to ensure a smooth upgrade.

Rolling upgrade usage and behavior

  • For an environment with both IBM Spectrum Symphony and IBM Spectrum Conductor, ensure you perform your rolling upgrade of IBM Spectrum Symphony to version 7.3.2, and IBM Spectrum Conductor to version 2.5.1. Only this product version combination is supported.
  • To perform a rolling upgrade, you do not need to set any environment variables (other than the ENTITLEMENTFILE environment variable); the rolling upgrade process uses the parameter values, from your previous installation. The installation location is also the same location used for the previous installation (defined by the INSTALLDIR environment variable in Windows, and the --prefix option when installing with Linux®).
  • Since the rolling upgrade process involves upgrading the hosts within the cluster, and then upgrading the entire cluster configuration, allocate two maintenance windows: one to upgrade your primary host, and one to upgrade the cluster-wide configuration. Although there is no impact to existing running workload, there is a small amount of downtime to new workload as services (such as VEMKD and SD) restart during the upgrade. Allocate a maintenance window to upgrade your primary host.
  • Additionally, the egoupgrade cluster command depends on the egosh ego start -f hostname command to remotely start EGO on your hosts. Ensure that RSH or SSH is configured properly on these hosts (see egosh ego start for configuration details).
  • Ensure sufficient space to back up configuration files from your previous version of IBM Spectrum Symphony to a backup directory in a shared file system (such as NFS or IBM Spectrum Scale). When you run the egoupgrade cluster command during the upgrade process, the existing cluster configuration (such as your EGO service profile, IBM Spectrum Symphony application profile cluster management console configuration, and reporting framework configuration files) is stored to a backup directory within your shared location (shared_top). Ensure that this shared location has sufficient space for the backup files. The amount of space that is required depends on the number of configuration files that are used for your previous version of IBM Spectrum Symphony in the shared location.
  • Perform the rolling upgrade by using the same user account that you used to install your previous version of IBM Spectrum Symphony.

    For example, in Linux, if you logged on as root to install your previous version of IBM Spectrum Symphony, then use root to install the latest product version as well. Note that if you previously installed in simplified (not advanced) WEM mode, you did not install as root; in this case, use the same user account to upgrade IBM Spectrum Symphony.

    Likewise, in Windows, upgrade with the same installation user operating system account as you used to install your previous version of IBM Spectrum Symphony. Note that to perform a rolling upgrade from your previous version of IBM Spectrum Symphony, you must have installed the product in advanced WEM mode. Performing a rolling upgrade from simplified WEM mode is not supported.

  • Back up any custom configuration files before you upgrade, so that you can restore your customization after you have completed the upgrade.
  • Do not upgrade your cluster using the RPM option -U. This option is for updating individual .rpm packages, and does not apply to a rolling upgrade.

Feature interactions

Host factory (IBM Spectrum Symphony Advanced Edition)
If you used host factory with IBM Spectrum Symphony in your previous version of IBM Spectrum Symphony, note the following information before you upgrade to 7.3.2:
  • Close all cloud requests to ensure that ongoing cloud provisioning or return requests do not take place during the upgrade process.
  • As with all rolling upgrades, ensure that you install 7.3.2 to the same directory as your previous version of IBM Spectrum Symphony.
  • After you upgrade to 7.3.2, additionally complete manual upgrade steps so that you can continue to use host factory with IBM Spectrum Symphony 7.3.2. Those steps guide you to configure your system from your previous version of IBM Spectrum Symphony to 7.3.2 with host factory.

Operating system notes

  • For automatic system startup, if you logged on as root to run the IBM Spectrum Symphony installation, the installer resets the Linux run communication (rc) to start the IBM Spectrum Symphony cluster using the upgraded EGO binary. However, if you did not install as root, and want to continue to use rc to automatically start up of the EGO service on the upgraded version of IBM Spectrum Symphony, then run on the upgraded host.

    If you want to switch your automatic startup method, from rc (which uses the init daemon process), to use the systemd daemon process, first run to disable rc, and then run to enable systemd. This automatically starts up of the EGO service using systemd if your system restarts.