Changing the session manager port

Before you begin

You must be a cluster administrator to perform this task.


  1. Log on to the primary host in the cluster.
  2. Linux® only. Set the environment. For example, if you installed IBM® Spectrum Symphony in /opt/ego:
    • For csh or tcsh, use cshrc.platform:

      source /opt/ego/cshrc.platform

    • For sh, ksh, or bash, use profile.platform:

      . /opt/ego/profile.platform

  3. Stop the service:

    egosh service stop SD

  4. Open the sd.xml configuration file.
  5. Change the port numbers specified for the SSM_SDK_ADDR and SSM_SIM_ADDR parameters in the file.

    The SSM_SDK_ADDR is used for the command line interface and client requests. The SSM_SIM_ADDR is used by the service instance manager to contact session manager.

    For example:
     <ego:EnvironmentVariable name="SSM_SDK_ADDR">31000-32000</ego:EnvironmentVariable>
     <ego:EnvironmentVariable name="SSM_SIM_ADDR">32001-33000</ego:EnvironmentVariable>
    Note: Port range should be equal to or greater than the maximum number of slots in the management host.
  6. Save the file.
  7. Restart EGO on the primary host:

    egosh ego restart