Software included with IBM Spectrum Symphony

This version of IBM® Spectrum Symphony includes various software for IBM Spectrum Symphony on Windows and Linux® operating systems. The system requires this software for IBM Spectrum Symphony components, as applicable for each operating system. This software is included with the IBM Spectrum Symphony installation.

Note: The management console component indicated in the following table is applicable to the cluster management console used to administer IBM Spectrum Symphony. Additionally, the multicluster management console used with the IBM Spectrum Symphony multicluster feature includes a subset of the software applicable to the cluster management console component.
Table 1. Software included with your IBM Spectrum Symphony installation
Software Components affected Version on Windows Version on Linux
including Linux on POWER®
accessors-smart Host factory 1.2 1.2
Adal4j Host factory 1.6.5 1.6.5
Adaptive Communication Environment (ACE) SOAM core 6.3.1 6.3.1
AdoptOpenJDK JRE EGO, Explorer reports Not applicable 11.0.11+9

(7.3.2 Fix) (with Fix 601711)

Amazon Web Services (AWS) SDK for Java (aws-java-sdk) Host factory 1.11.787 1.11.787
Angular Management console 1.3.20 1.3.20
Angular Animate Management console 1.3.20 1.3.20
Angular ARIA Management console 1.4.12 1.4.12
Angular Bootstrap Management console 0.13.4 0.13.4
Angular Cookies Management console 1.3.20 1.3.20
Angular Datatables Management console 0.4.3 0.4.3
Angular Resource Management console 1.4.12 1.4.12
Angular Sanitize Management console 1.5.0-beta.1 1.5.0-beta.1
Angular Toastr Management console 1.6.0 1.6.0
Angular Translate Management console 2.7.2 2.7.2
Angular Translate Loader-Static-Files Management console 2.7.2 2.7.2
Angular UI Router Management console 0.2.18 0.2.18
Angular UI Sortable Management console 0.13.4 0.13.4
Angular UI Tree Management console 2.16.0 2.16.0
ANTLR Management console 2.7.7 2.7.7
AOP Alliance Management console 1.0.0 1.0.0
Apache Ant Reporting framework load package 1.10.10 1.10.10
MapReduce compiler Not applicable 1.10.10
Apache Commons BeanUtils Management console, reporting framework, host factory 1.9.4 1.9.4
Apache Commons CLI Reporting framework 1.3.1 1.3.1
Apache Commons Bean Scripting Framework (BSF) Management console 2.3.0 2.3.0
Apache Commons Codec Management console, EGO RESTful API server, host factory 1.14 1.14
Apache Commons Collections Management console, reporting framework, host factory 3.2.2 3.2.2
MapReduce core Not applicable 3.2.2
Apache Commons DBCP Management console, reporting framework 1.4 1.4
Apache Commons DbUtils Reporting framework 1.3 1.3
Apache Commons Digester Management console 2.0 2.0
Reporting framework 1.8.1 1.8.1
Apache Commons Discovery Reporting framework, SOAM virtual server harvesting 0.4 0.4
MapReduce core Not applicable 0.4
Apache Commons EL Management console 1 1
Apache Commons FileUpload Management console, reporting framework 1.3.2

(7.3.2 Fix)1.5 (with Fix 601711)


(7.3.2 Fix)1.5 (with Fix 601711)

Apache Commons HTTPClient Management console, EGO RESTful API server 3.1 3.1
Apache Commons IO (commons-io) Management console 2.8.0 2.8.0
Apache Commons JEXL Management console 1.1 1.1
Apache Commons Lang (commons-lang) Management console, reporting framework, host factory, RESTful API server 2.6 2.6
Apache Commons Lang3 Management console, reporting framework, host factory 3.10 3.10
Apache Commons Logging Management console, reporting framework, EGO RESTful API server, host factory 1.2 1.2
Apache Commons Pool Management console, reporting framework 1.5.4 1.5.4
Apache Commons Validator Management console, reporting framework 1.3.1 1.3.1
Apache Converter: Jackson (converter-jackson) Host factory 2.8.2 2.8.2
Apache Dojo Toolkit (IDT) Management console 1.13.7

(7.3.2 Fix)1.17.2 (with Fix 601711)


(7.3.2 Fix)1.17.2 (with Fix 601711)

Apache geronimo-activation_1.1_spec SOAM virtual server harvesting 1.0.2 1.0.2
Apache geronimo-javamail_1.4_spec Management console, reporting framework, SOAM virtual server harvesting 1.8.3 1.8.3
Apache geronimo-jaxrpc_1.1_spec SOAM virtual server harvesting, reporting framework 2.1 2.1
MapReduce core Not applicable 2.1
Apache geronimo-stax-api_1.0_spec Management console 1.0.1 1.0.1
Apache Hadoop MapReduce core Not applicable 2.7.2
Apache Hadoop core CDH3U1 MapReduce core Not applicable 0.20.2
Apache Hadoop core CDH3U2 MapReduce core Not applicable 0.20.2
Apache Hadoop core CDH3U5 MapReduce core Not applicable 0.20.2
Apache Hadoop core CDH4.3 mr1 MapReduce core Not applicable 2.0.0
Apache Hadoop core CDH5.0.2 mr1 MapReduce core Not applicable 2.3.0
Apache Hadoop core CDH5.0.2 mr2 MapReduce core Not applicable 2.3.0
Apache Hadoop examples MapReduce samples Not applicable 2.7.2
Apache HttpComponents HttpClient Management console, EGO RESTful API server, reporting framework, host factory 4.5.13 4.5.13
Apache HttpComponents HttpCore Management console, EGO RESTful API server, reporting framework 4.4.13 4.4.13
Host factory 4.5.12 4.5.12
Apache HttpComponents HttpMime Management console 4.5.12 4.5.12
MapReduce core Not applicable 4.5
Apache JCIP Annotations (JCIP Annotations Under Apache License or jcip-annotations) Host factory 1.0-1 1.0-1
Apache JSON Small and Fast Parser (json-smart) Host factory 2.3

(7.3.2 Fix)2.4.11 (with Fix 601711)


(7.3.2 Fix)2.4.11 (with Fix 601711)

Apache Juneau Management console, RESTful API 7.0.1 7.0.1
Apache log4cxx SOAM core 0.9.7 0.9.7
Apache Logging Interceptor (logging-interceptor) Host factory 4.7.2 4.7.2
Apache Lucene Management console, reporting framework 6.5.1 6.5.1
Apache OAuth 2.0 SDK with OpenID Connection Extensions (oauth2-oidc-sdk) Host factory 7.3 7.3
Apache OkHttp (okhttp) Host factory 4.7.2 4.7.2
Apache OkHttp URLConnection (okhttp-urlconnection) Host factory 4.7.2 4.7.2
Apache Reactive Extensions (Rx) Adapter (adapter-rxjava) Host factory 2.9.0 2.9.0
Apache WS Commons Axiom Management console 1.2.21 1.2.21
AspectJ RT (Runtime) Management console, host factory 1.9.5 1.9.5
AspectJ Weaver Management console, host factory 1.9.5 1.9.5
Axis Reporting framework WSDL API 1.4.2 1.4.2
MapReduce core Not applicable 1.4.2
Axis2 Management console, SOAM 1.7.9 1.7.9
bcprov-ext-jdk15on Management console 1.68 1.68
bcprov-jdk15on Management console, host factory 1.65

(7.3.2 Fix)1.70 (with Fix 601711)

(7.3.2 Fix)1.77 (with Fix 601860)


(7.3.2 Fix)1.70 (with Fix 601711)

(7.3.2 Fix)1.77 (withFix 601860)

Boost SOAM unit testing, host factory, SYMREST services 1.65.1 1.65.1
Bootstrap (and Bootstrap SASS) Management console 3.4.1 3.4.1
Byte Buddy Management console 1.9.5 1.9.5
bzip2 EGO Docker Not applicable 1.0.4
C++ REST SDK Host factory, SYMREST services 2.10.0 2.10.0
Castor SOAM virtual server harvesting 0.9.7 0.9.7
Cglib Management console, reporting framework 2.2 2.2
ChartDirector Management console 4.1 4.1
cJSON EGO 1.0 1.0
ClassMate Management console 1.3.4 1.3.4
Comprehensive System Accounting (CSA) EGO (used by IBM Spectrum LSF®) 3.0.0 3.0.0
Concurrent Management console 1.3.4 1.3.4
ConcurrentLogHandler EGO Docker Not applicable 0.9.1
content-type Host factory 2.1 2.1
CPPRESTSDK Host factory 2.10.0 2.10.0
Cross Browser Tree Widget Management console 1.17 1.17
Cryptacular library Management console 1.2.4 1.2.4
  • 6.0
  • 6.5
  • 7.0
  • 7.5
  • 8.0
  • 9.2
  • 10.1
  • (7.3.2 Fix)11.6 (for Windows Server 2022)
  • (7.3.2 Fix)12.4 (for Windows Server 2022)
For Linux:
  • 6.0
  • 6.5
  • 7.0
  • 7.5
  • 8.0
  • 9.1
  • 10.2
  • (7.3.2 Fix)12.2
  • (7.3.2 Fix)12.3
For Linux 7.2 and 7.6 on POWER8™:
  • 7.0
  • 7.5
  • 8.0
  • 9.1
  • 10.1
For Linux 7.5 on POWER9™:
  • 9.2
Docker-py EGO Docker Not applicable 1.6.0
domlib4j (org.apache.servicemix.bundles.dom4j) Management console 2.1.3_1

(7.3.2 Fix)2.1.4_1 (with Fix 601711)


(7.3.2 Fix)2.1.4_1 (with Fix 601711)

DWR (Direct Web Remoting) Management console 3.0.M1_1 3.0.M1_1
ECS (Element Construction Set) Management console 1.4.2 1.4.2
EJS Management console 1.0.0 1.0.0
Elasticsearch (part of the Elastic Stack) EGO, Explorer reports Not applicable 7.12.1

(7.3.2 Fix)7.17.9 (with Fix 601711)

ESAPI (OWASP Enterprise Security API) Management console, reporting framework 2.1.0 2.1.0
EZMorph Host factory 1.0.6 1.0.6
FreeMarker Management console, host factory 2.3.30 2.3.30
gSOAP SOAM core, EGO web service gateway 2.7.2 2.7.2
Google Guava Management console, reporting framework, host factory 29.0

(7.3.2 Fix)32.1.1 (with Fix 601711)


(7.3.2 Fix)32.1.1 (with Fix 601711)

Google Guice Core Library Management console 2.0 2.0
Gson Host factory 2.8.6

(7.3.2 Fix)2.8.9 (with Fix 601711)


(7.3.2 Fix)2.8.9 (with Fix 601711)

H2 Management console 1.3.175 1.3.175
MapReduce core Not applicable 1.3.175
HdrHistogram Management console 3.5.5-Final 3.5.5-Final
Hibernate Management console 2.1.6 2.1.6
Hibernate Commons Annotations (hibernate-commons-annotations) Management console 5.1.0.Final 5.1.0.Final
Hibernate Core Relocation (hibernate-core) Management console 5.4.19.Final

(7.3.2 Fix)5.4.33 (with Fix 601711)


(7.3.2 Fix)5.4.33 (with Fix 601711)

HSQLDB Management console, reporting framework

(7.3.2 Fix)2.7.1 (with Fix 601711)

(7.3.2 Fix)2.7.1 (with Fix 601711)

hwloc EGO 1.11.10 1.11.10
IBM Cloud API Client for Java Host factory 0.3.0 0.3.0
IBM Derby SDK Reporting framework demonstration database
IBM Java™ JRE Management console, reporting framework, SOAM virtual server harvesting, installation, Derby demonstration database

(7.3.2 Fix) (with Fix 601711)

(7.3.2 Fix) (with Fix 601711)

MapReduce Not applicable

(7.3.2 Fix) (with Fix 601711)

IBM JSON4J Management console Java WSDL 1.0.0 1.0.0
IBM One UI Dojo Extensions (IDX) Toolkit Management console
IBM WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile Management console, EGO RESTful API server, SOAM management

(7.3.2 Fix) (with Fix 601711)

(7.3.2 Fix) (with Fix 601711)

IBM WSDL4J Management console Java WSDL 1.5.1 1.5.1
MapReduce core Not applicable 1.5.1
ICU4C EGO, SOAM core 55.1 55.1
MapReduce core Not applicable 55.1
ICU4J Management console, reporting framework 56.1 56.1
MapReduce core Not applicable 56.1
Indiana University Extreme! Lab PullParser Reporting framework 2.1.10 2.1.10
Info-ZIP (zip.exe) SOAM repository server 3 3
MapReduce core Not applicable 3
InfoSoft Global Fusion Charts Management console 3.15.2 3.15.2
InfoSoft Global Power Charts Management console 3.2 3.2
Internet Systems Consortium (ISC) BIND (libbind) DNS service for EGO services 9.16.18

(7.3.2 Fix)9.16.41 (with Fix 601711)

(7.3.2 Fix)9.18.19 (with Fix 601860)


(7.3.2 Fix)9.16.41 (with Fix 601711)

(7.3.2 Fix)9.18.19 (with Fix 601860)

Jackson Annotations (jackson-annotations) Management console, host factory 2.11.0 2.11.0
Jackson Core (jackson-core) Management console, host factory 2.11.0 2.11.0
Jackson Core-asl Management console 1.9.11 1.9.11
Jackson Databind (jackson-databind) Management console, EGO, host factory 2.11.0

(7.3.2 Fix)2.15.2 (with Fix 601711)


(7.3.2 Fix)2.15.2 (with Fix 601711)

Jackson Dataformat-cbor Reporting framework 2.9.5

(7.3.2 Fix)2.13.3 (with Fix 601711)


(7.3.2 Fix)2.13.3 (with Fix 601711)

Jackson Dataformat-smile Reporting framework 2.9.5

(7.3.2 Fix)2.13.3 (with Fix 601711)


(7.3.2 Fix)2.13.3 (with Fix 601711)

Jackson Dataformat-YAML Reporting framework 2.9.5

(7.3.2 Fix)2.13.3 (with Fix 601711)


(7.3.2 Fix)2.13.3 (with Fix 601711)

Jackson Datatype Joda (jackson-datatype-joda) Host factory 2.11.0 2.11.0
Jackson Mapper-asl Management console 1.9.11 1.9.11
Jasig CAS Client for Java Core Management console 3.4.1 3.4.1
Jasig CAS Client for Java SAML Protocol Management console 3.4.1 3.4.1
JavaBeans Activation Framework Management console 1.1 1.1
Java Excel API Explorer reports Not applicable 2.6.12
JavaMail Reporting framework 1.4 1.4
MapReduce core Not applicable 1.4
Host factory 1.6.2 1.6.2
Javassist Management console 3.11.0 3.11.0
Java-support Management console 7.3.0 7.3.0
Javax activation (javax.activation) Management console 1.0.2 1.0.2
MapReduce core Not applicable 1.0.2
Javax mail (javax.mail) Host factory 1.6.2 1.6.2
Javax persistence API (javax.persistence-api) Management console 2.2 2.2
Javax servlet API (javax.servlet-api) Management console 3.1.0 3.1.0
Jaxen Management console, reporting framework, SOAM virtual server harvesting 1.1.1 1.1.1
JBoss Logging 3 (jboss-logging) Management console 3.3.2 3.3.2
JCommon Reporting framework 1.0.6 1.0.6
JCS Management console 1.3 1.3
JEval Reporting framework 0.9.4 0.9.4
JFreeChart Management console 1.0.2 1.0.2
Jhall Reporting framework 1.1.3 1.1.3
Joda Time Management console, host factory, reporting framework 2.10.6 2.10.6
jQuery Management console 3.5.0

(7.3.2 Fix)3.5.1 (with Fix 601860)


(7.3.2 Fix)3.5.1 (with Fix 601860)

jQueryDataTables Management console 1.10.21

(7.3.2 Fix)1.11.3 (with Fix 601860)


(7.3.2 Fix)1.11.3 (with Fix 601860)

jQuery-ui Management console 1.12.1

(7.3.2 Fix)1.13.2 (with Fix 601860)


(7.3.2 Fix)1.13.2 (with Fix 601860)

JSON-lib Host factory 2.4 2.4
JSP Standard Tag Library Management console 1.2.5 1.2.5
JSZip Management console 3.0.0

(7.3.2 Fix)3.10.1 (with Fix 601711)


(7.3.2 Fix)3.10.1 (with Fix 601711)

Jta Management console 1.0.1 1.0.1
Kerberos KRB5 EGO (used by IBM Spectrum LSF) Not applicable 1.11.3
Kotlin-stdlib Host factory 1.3.72

(7.3.2 Fix)1.9.20 (with Fix 601860)


(7.3.2 Fix)1.9.20 (with Fix 601860) SOAM coprocessor harvesting Not applicable 1 (from the Intel Composer XE 2013.1.117 SDK)
EGO coprocessor harvesting Not applicable 1 (from the Intel Composer XE 2013.1.117 SDK) SOAM coprocessor harvesting Not applicable 5 (from the Intel Composer XE 2013.1.117 SDK)
EGO coprocessor harvesting Not applicable 5 (from the Intel Composer XE 2013.1.117 SDK) SOAM coprocessor harvesting Not applicable 1 (from the Intel C++ Composer XE 2013.1.117 SDK)
EGO coprocessor harvesting Not applicable 1 (from the Intel C++ Composer XE 2013.1.117 SDK) SOAM coprocessor harvesting Not applicable 1 (from the Intel C++ Composer XE 2013.1.117 SDK)
EGO coprocessor harvesting Not applicable 1 (from the Intel C++ Composer XE 2013.1.117 SDK) SOAM coprocessor harvesting Not applicable 1 (from the Intel C++ Composer XE 2013.1.117 SDK)
EGO coprocessor harvesting Not applicable 1 (from the Intel C++ Composer XE 2013.1.117 SDK)
libxml2 EGO service controller (EGOSC) and VEMKD, SOAM Multicluster 2.6.20 2.6.20
Log4jl Management console, host factory, reporting framework, EGO RESTful API server, SOAM virtual server harvesting 1.2.16

(7.3.2 Fix)2.17.1 (with Fix 601711)


(7.3.2 Fix)2.17.1 (with Fix 601711)

Logstash EGO 7.12.1 7.12.1
Logstash-filter-translate EGO 3.0.2 3.0.2
Microsoft Azure Annotations (azure-annotations) Host factory 110.0 110.0
Microsoft Azure Java management libraries (azure-mgmt-*) Host factory 1.34.0 1.34.0
Microsoft Azure Java client libraries (azure-client-*) Host factory 1.7.4 1.7.4
Microsoft Azure SDK for Java (azure) Host factory 1.34.0 1.34.0
Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 C and C++ runtime libraries: msvcr120.dll and msvcp120.dll EGO, SOAM, reporting framework 12.00.21005.1 Not applicable
MIT Java Client Runtime for AutoRest (client-runtime) Host factory 1.7.4 1.7.4
moment Management console 2.20.1

(7.3.2 Fix)2.29.4 (with Fix 601711)


(7.3.2 Fix)2.29.4 (with Fix 601711)

moment-timezone Management console 0.5.5

(7.3.2 Fix)0.5.35 (with Fix 601711)


(7.3.2 Fix)0.5.35 (with Fix 601711)

MooTools.js Management console 1.2.0 1.2.0
Mozilla Rhino Management console 1.5R3 1.5R3
Multiline Management console 1.0.2 1.0.2
Net-SNMP EGO service controller (EGOSC) and VEMKD
Netty (netty-handler) Management console, reporting framework 4.1.61

(7.3.2 Fix)4.1.79 (with Fix 601711)

(7.3.2 Fix)4.1.99 (with Fix 601860)


(7.3.2 Fix)4.1.79 (with Fix 601711)

(7.3.2 Fix)4.1.99 (with Fix 601860)

Nimbus JOSE JWT (nimbus-jose-jwt) Host factory 8.20 8.20
Nimbus LangTag (lang-tag) Host factory 1.5 1.5
Nodejs Explorer reports Not applicable

(7.3.2 Fix) (with Fix 601711)

OGNL Management console 3.0.19 3.0.19
Okio Host factory 2.6.0

(7.3.2 Fix)3.4.0 (with Fix 601860)


(7.3.2 Fix)3.4.0 (with Fix 601860)

OpenCSV Reporting framework 1.8 1.8
OpenSSL SOAM core, EGO (PEM, LIB, and VEMKD) 1.1.1k

(7.3.2 Fix)3.0.8 (with Fix 601711)


(7.3.2 Fix)3.0.8 (with Fix 601711)

OpenID4Java Management console 1.0.0 1.0.0
OpenSAML Management console 3.3.0 3.3.0
OpenSymphony Quartz Management console, reporting framework 1.6.5 1.6.5
ORO Management console, reporting framework 2.0.8 2.0.8
MapReduce core Not applicable 2.0.6
PAC4J (j2e-pac4j) Management console 2.0

(7.3.2 Fix)5.4.5 (with Fix 601711)


(7.3.2 Fix)5.4.5 (with Fix 601711)

Perf4J Management console 0.9.12 0.9.12
PostgreSQL JDBC3 Management console 8.3-607 8.3-607
Protobuf MapReduce native compiler Not applicable 2.5.0
ptmalloc3 SOAM Not applicable Third version, released May 31, 2006 (
PythonChardet EGO Docker Not applicable 2.3.0
PythonPortalocker EGO Docker Not applicable 0.5.4
Python Requests EGO Docker Not applicable 2.24.0
Python Six EGO Docker Not applicable 1.90
Python URLlib3 EGO Docker Not applicable 1.26.6

(7.3.2 Fix)1.26.18 (with Fix 601860)

Python Websocket EGO Docker Not applicable 0.23.0
RELAX NG datatype Reporting framework 1 1
Retrofit Host factory 2.8.1 2.8.1
ScribeJava Management console 3.3.0 3.3.0
Serializer Management console 2.7.2 2.7.2
SLF4J API Management console, host factory 1.5.8 1.5.8
SLF4J-simple Host factory 1.7.30 1.7.30
snakeyaml Management console 1.26

(7.3.2 Fix)2.0 (with Fix 601711)


(7.3.2 Fix)2.0 (with Fix 601711)

Reporting framework 1.17

(7.3.2 Fix)2.0 (with Fix 601711)


(7.3.2 Fix)2.0 (with Fix 601711)

SNMP4J Management console 2.2.3 2.2.3
Spring Boot SYMREST service Not applicable 5.3.2
Spring Framework (includes Spring AOP, Beans, Context, Context Support, Core, Expression, JDBC, ORM, Test, TX, Web, and Web MVC) Management console 5.2.12

(7.3.2 Fix)5.3.27 (with Fix 601711)


(7.3.2 Fix)5.3.27 (with Fix 601711)

Host factory

(Note that within Spring Framework, host factory only uses Spring core and Spring Beans)


(7.3.2 Fix)5.3.27 (with Fix 601711)


(7.3.2 Fix)5.3.27 (with Fix 601711)

SYMREST service Not applicable 5.2.12
Spring Security (includes Spring Security ACL, Config, Core, Taglibs, and Web) Management console, EGO RESTful API server

(Note that within Spring Security, EGO RESTful API server only uses Spring Web)


(7.3.2 Fix)5.8.4 (with Fix 601711)

(7.3.2 Fix)5.8.8 (with Fix 601860)


(7.3.2 Fix)5.8.4 (with Fix 601711)

(7.3.2 Fix)5.8.8 (with Fix 601860)

SYMREST service Not applicable 5.3.2

(7.3.2 Fix)5.3.13 for Spring Security Web (with Fix 601711)

Spring Security JWT SYMREST service Not applicable 1.1.1
Spring Security OAuth2 SYMREST service Not applicable 2.5.0
SQLite IBM Spectrum Symphony multicluster, host factory 3.35.5 3.35.5
Stax2 API Management console 3.1.1 3.1.1
Stormpath Java SDK API, Extensions HTTP Client, and SDK Impl Management console 0.9.3 0.9.3
TreeMap Management console 1.0a 1.0a
UI Select Master Management console 0.16.0 0.16.0
Underscore Management console 1.13.1 1.13.1
unzip SOAM repository server 5.5.2 Not applicable
VMware vSphere Web Services SDK Management console 4 4
Woden Core Management console 1.0M10 1.0M10
Woodstox Management console 4.2.0 4.2.0
Woodstox-core-asl Management console 4.4.1 4.4.1
Xalan Java Management console 2.7.2

(7.3.2 Fix)2.7.3 (with Fix 601711)


(7.3.2 Fix)2.7.3 (with Fix 601711)

XenServer SDK SOAM virtual server harvesting 5.5.0-1 5.5.0-1
Xerces2 J (Xerceslmpl) Management console 2.12.0 2.12.0
XLoadTree (WebFX) Management console 1.11 1.11
XML4C SOAM core 5.8.2 5.8.2
XML APIs Reporting framework 1.3.02 1.3.02
XMLsec Management console 2.1.4

(7.3.2 Fix)2.1.7 (with Fix 601711)


(7.3.2 Fix)2.1.7 (with Fix 601711)

XPP3 Management console 1.4.4c 1.4.4c
Xwork Management console 2.3.32 2.3.32
YUI Management console 2.9.0 2.9.0
zlib SOAM repository server, EGO VEMKD 1.2.8 1.2.8
MapReduce native compiler Not applicable 1.2.8