Disabling security for the Elastic Stack

Disable security for the Elastic Stack services. IBM® Spectrum Symphony uses the Elastic Stack for IBM Spectrum Symphony Explorer reports (available with IBM Spectrum Symphony Advanced Edition on Linux® and Linux on POWER®).

Before you begin

You must be a cluster administrator.

About this task

You can optionally disable security for the Elastic Stack by changing the parameters in the Elastic Stack configuration files.
Note: Only communication on the HTTP protocol for Elasticsearch can be disabled. The transport protocol for Elasticsearch cannot be disabled.


  1. Stop the Elastic Stack services. For more information, see Stopping Elastic Stack services.
  2. Disable security for the Elasticsearch services by setting the value of the orchestrator.security.auth.enable and orchestrator.ssl.transport.enabled parameter to false in the $EGO_CONFDIR/../../integration/elk/conf/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml configuration file.
  3. Restart the Elastic Stack services. For more information, see Starting Elastic Stack services.
  4. Update the Explorer access protocol so that you can view Explorer reports in the cluster management console after disabling security for the Elastic Stack:
    1. Open the $EGO_CONFDIR/../../explorer/config/config.json file for editing.
    2. Locate the "protocol":"https" line, and change it to "protocol":"http".
      For example:
          "pa.net.port": 5000,
          "pa.metadata": {
              "datasource": "ds1",
              "index": "model"
          "pa.dashboard.default": "cluster_overview",
          "pa.query.size.max": 10000,
          "pa.query.timeout" : 300000,
          "pa.logging": {
              "logLevel": "debug",
              "appName": "server",
              "logDir": "logs",
              "datasource": "ds1"
          "pa.datasources": {
      "ds1": {"name": "ES Instance1", "type": "elasticsearch", "hosts": [{"host" : "user.example.ibm.com", "port": 9200, "protocol":"http"}]}
          "pa.allow.cross.domain": "false",
          "pa.allow.limited.access": "true",
          "pa.allow.access.ips": "",
          "elasticsearch.version" : "7.12.1"
    3. Save and close the file.
    4. Restart the Explorer service for the changes to take effect:
      egosh service stop Explorer
      egosh service start Explorer