Configuring IBM Spectrum LSF for an IBM Spectrum Symphony-IBM Spectrum LSF cluster with a Windows primary host

After you have installed IBM Spectrum LSF Standard Edition for Symphony, configure it using the cluster configuration wizard. Complete these steps on each host on which you installed IBM Spectrum LSF Standard Edition for Symphony.


  1. Run automatic IBM Spectrum LSF configuration using the cluster configuration wizard:
    1. Enable pop-up windows in your browser before running the cluster configuration wizard.
    2. Log on to the cluster management console as the cluster administrator (Admin) to automatically start the cluster configuration wizard.

      The wizard automatically determines the necessary configuration for your cluster.

    3. Select Yes, I want to do the configuration > Continue to start the automatic configuration.
    4. Follow the pages within the wizard.
  2. Shut down and then start IBM Spectrum LSF on the host:
    egosh ego shutdown
    egosh ego start
    Note: Do not use the egosh ego restart command to replace the two previous commands.