Testing the installation

The IBM® Spectrum Symphony client package contains a test application that sends IBM Spectrum Symphony workload to the cluster.


  1. Run the test application to ensure your system is working properly.
    For example:

    If you see tasks sent and output received, and all tasks have run, everything is working properly in your system.

  2. If you want to run MapReduce workload, run the MapReduce test application to ensure your system is working properly.
    For example:
    mrsh jar application.jar wordcount hdfs://host_name:9000/input hdfs://host_name:9000/output
    Specifies the .jar file for the WordCount application.
    Specifies the host name of the HDFS NameNode.

    If you see tasks sent and output under the /output folder in HDFS, everything is working properly in your system.