(Advanced use) Configure authentication through OpenID Connect, enabling single sign-on
authentication for the RESTful API client to connect to the SYMREST service.
OpenID authentication is supported only on Linux®.
This topic is only applicable if using the SYMREST server to submit
and manage client workload from IBM® Spectrum Symphony clients to your cluster
through RESTful APIs; it is not required for managing IBM Spectrum Symphony applications and workload
(sessions, and tasks), through RESTful API methods.
Before you begin
- Your OpenID identity provider (IdP) must be set up according to your IdP's instructions. The IdP
must follow OpenID Connect 1.0 specifications (see http://openid.net/developers/specs/).
- The OpenID client must be registered to your IdP; ensure that you register the redirect URL of
the OpenID client and acquire the client ID and client secret from your IdP.
- A script that converts site-specific OpenID user IDs to EGO user IDs, which can then be used to
access the cluster, must be available. The script must take each OpenID user's email ID as input and
provide the corresponding EGO user ID as output in the format
egoUsername:egoPassword (for example,
About this task
OpenID is an open standard that enables users to authenticate themselves to multiple entities
without managing multiple accounts or sets of credentials. IBM Spectrum Symphony supports OpenID
Connect 1.0.
For OpenID authentication, IBM Spectrum Symphony provides an
OpenID authentication plug-in for connections between the SYMREST server and the RESTful API client;
the lifecycle of the OpenID client is managed by the OpenIdClient service. Manage
the OpenIdClient service much like any other system service in IBM Spectrum Symphony.
Stop the SYMREST service:
egosh service stop SYMREST
Update the IDP section in the OpenIdClientConf.xml
file at $EGO_CONFDIR/../../soam/profiles/conf/:
In the clientId parameter, specify the client ID acquired from your IdP.
In the clientSecret parameter, specify the client secret acquired from
your IdP.
In the tokenEndpoint parameter, specify the Token Endpoint of your IdP.
Usually, this URL can be found in the OpenID Provider Configuration Document.
In the authorizationEndpoint parameter, specify the Authorization Endpoint
of your IdP. Usually, this URL can be found in the OpenID Provider Configuration Document.
In the redirectUri parameter, specify the redirect URL of the
OpenIdClient. Ensure that you use the same URL registered to your IdP.
- Optional:
If your IdP supports OpenID Connect Session Management 1.0, in the
endSessionEndpoint parameter, specify the end-session endpoint of your
- Optional:
If your IdP supports token revocation, in the
revocationEndpoint parameter, specify the token revocation endpoint of your
For example:
<IDP clientId="cc05b13d-157c-4cb4-843a-e5836f1e4e2a"
Update the openid section in the symrest.json file at
In the openIdClientUrl parameter, specify the URL of the OpenID client in
the format https://host_name:port, where
host_name identifies the host on which the OpenIdClient
service is running in your cluster. You can find this URL in the
$EGO_TOP/soam/openid/logs/OpenIdClient.log file; for example:
In the openidEgoUserMappingScript parameter, specify the path to your own
script that converts your OpenID users' email IDs to EGO user IDs. The script must take
each OpenID user's email ID as input and provide the corresponding EGO user ID as output in the
format egoUsername:egoPassword (for
example, Admin:Admin).
- Optional:
In the caFileForOpenIDClient parameter, specify the path to a trusted CA
certificate for the OpenID client. You can use the default self-signed CA certificate for testing
For example:
"openIdClientUrl": "https://myOpenIdClienthost.example.com:8653",
"caFileForOpenIDClient": "$EGO_TOP/wlp/usr/shared/resources/security/cacert.pem",
"openidEgoUserMappingScript": "/openid/users.sh"
Start the SYMREST and OpenIdClient services and confirm
that they are running:
egosh service start SYMREST OpenIdClient
egosh service list -s SYMREST OpenIdClient
The SYMREST and OpenIDClient services are, by default, set
to start manually. If you want these services to start automatically, edit the service profiles and
set the StartType parameter to AUTOMATIC.
Your OpenID configuration takes effect.
What to do next
Submit workload from the RESTful API client. See Managing workload from a RESTful API client.