Updating an Oracle database

When you upgrade IBM® Spectrum Symphony, you must also update the database schema. If you use an Oracle database, follow these steps. Obtain the corresponding database update scripts and update the database schema before you update the cluster. Complete the database upgrade in a staged process; for example, to upgrade from 5.1, upgrade from 5.1 to 6.1, then from 6.1 to 7.1.

Before you begin

Before updating the database, ensure the following:
  • The database is properly configured and running.
  • You have a user name, password, and URL to access the database server. You can create triggers, sequences, tables, and stored procedures with this access.
  • You installed the latest JDBC driver (ojdbc14.jar or newer) for the database. This driver is available from this URL: http://www.oracle.com/technology/software/tech/java/sqlj_jdbc/index.html.
  • You are able to run sqlplus.


  1. For a typical IBM Spectrum Symphony cluster that consists of IBM Spectrum Symphony and EGO components, use the following list to determine the packages that suit your business needs:
    Note: Between product release, there are not always schema updates. Use the appropriate database upgrade scripts for the product versions to which you upgrade.
    • Upgrading from IBM Spectrum Symphony 5.1 to 6.1.1:
      • upgrade_ego_data_1_2_5_to_1_2_8.sql
      • upgrade_sym_data_5_1_to_6_1_1.sql
      • upgrade_pmc_data_1_2_5_to_1_2_8.sql
    • Upgrading from IBM Spectrum Symphony 5.2 to 6.1.1:
      • upgrade_ego_data_1_2_6_to_1_2_8.sql
      • upgrade_sym_data_5_2_to_6_1_1.sql
    • Upgrading from IBM Spectrum Symphony 6.1.1 to 7.1:
      • upgrade_ego_data_1_2_8_to_3_1.sql
      • upgrade_sym_data_6_1_1_to_7_1.sql
    • Upgrading from IBM Spectrum Symphony 7.1.2 or 7.2 to
      • upgrade_sym_data_7_1_2_7_2_to_7_2_0_2.sql
      Note: The schema updates for IBM Spectrum Symphony are only for IBM Spectrum Symphony Advanced Edition on Linux® with Explorer reports. If you will not use Explorer reports, you do no need to upgrade your schema to the level.
    • Upgrading from IBM Spectrum Symphony 7.2.1 to
      • upgrade_ego_data_3_7_0.sql
      • upgrade_sym_data_7_2_1_to_7_2_1_1.sql
      Note: There are no schema updates for IBM Spectrum Symphony 7.3; you can use the IBM Spectrum Symphony database schema from your previous version of IBM Spectrum Symphony.
      However, keep in mind these notes about specific features for specific versions of IBM Spectrum Symphony:
      • To use Explorer reports, offered starting from IBM Spectrum Symphony Advanced Edition on Linux, ensure your product schema is at least at the IBM Spectrum Symphony level. For details, see Updating the IBM Spectrum Symphony® database schema to 7.2, as applicable.
      • To leverage the latest data loading, purger, and partitioning enhancements; and improvements to the speed of inserting and deleting data, ensure that you have an enterprise edition of your database (DB2®®, Oracle, or Microsoft SQL Server) and that your IBM Spectrum Symphony schema is at least at the level. For details, see Updating the IBM Spectrum Symphony database schema to 7.2.1, as applicable.
    • Upgrading from IBM Spectrum Symphony to 7.3.1:
      • upgrade_sym_data_7_2_1_1_7_3_to_7_3_1.sql
    • The database update script backs up the TASK_ATTRIBUTES database table as a temporary table (called TASK_ATTRIBUTES_ORG), and then creates a new TASK_ATTRIBUTES partition table. Drop this temporary table if it will not be used in the future.
      If you want to view the original TASK_ATTRIBUTES data report, update the report SQL statement to include a union statement for the renamed database table (TASK_ATTRIBUTES_ORG). For example:
    • There are no schema updates for IBM Spectrum Symphony 7.3.2; you can use the IBM Spectrum Symphony database schema from your previous version of IBM Spectrum Symphony.
  2. Stop the loader controller service:
    egosh service stop plc
  3. Extract the database update scripts to any directory.
  4. In the command console, change to the Oracle/Patch subdirectory. For example, if you extracted the scripts to sym_temp, run:
    cd sym_temp/version_number/DBschema/Oracle/Patch
  5. For each of the scripts you require, run the following command to update the database schema:
    sqlplus user_name/password@connect_string@update_script data_tablesspace index_tablespace
    • user_name is the user name on the database server.
    • password is the password for this user name on the database server.
    • connect_string is the named SQLNet connection for this database.
    • update_script is the name of the update script.
    • data_tablesspace is the name of the IBM Spectrum Symphony database table space.
    • index_tablespace is the name of the IBM Spectrum Symphony database index table space.
  6. Restart the loader controller service:
    egosh service start plc
  7. Copy the JDBC driver to the following directories:
    • Windows:
      • Installation_top\gui\EGO_version\lib
      • Installation_top\perf\EGO_version\lib
    • Linux:
      • $EGO_TOP/gui/EGO_version/lib
      • $EGO_TOP/perf/EGO_version/lib