Cluster administrator account

Clusters require a cluster administrator user account.

Linux clusters

To support Linux® hosts, the cluster requires a user account as cluster administrator (the default is egoadmin). The cluster administrator account must exist on every Linux host and have the same name as the Windows cluster administrator account. For example, if the actual Windows account name is .\newadmin or DOMAIN\newadmin, the Linux account name is newadmin.

The cluster administrator is the only non-root account that has permission to manage Linux hosts in the cluster. The account owns most IBM® Spectrum Symphony files on Linux hosts.

Before you start installation, You must create the cluster administrator account, or use a valid user account as the cluster administrator.

By default, only the root account can start, stop, or restart hosts. You can assign root privileges to the cluster administrator account.

Windows clusters

To support Windows hosts, the cluster requires a Windows operating system user account as the cluster administrator (the default is egoadmin). The Windows cluster administrator account must exist on every Windows host and have the same name as the Linux cluster administrator account. For example, if the actual Linux account name is newadmin, the Windows account can be .\newadmin or DOMAIN\newadmin, but cannot be .\user4 or DOMAIN\user4.

The Windows cluster administrator is the only account that can start, restart, or shut down all Windows hosts in the cluster. The Local Administrator of the host can start and stop services on the host as well.

Both the cluster administrator and the local administrator have full control over all IBM Spectrum Symphony files.

Before you start installation, you must create the cluster administrator account, or use a valid user account as the cluster administrator. The account requires certain privileges and permissions.